MAC 2313 - Section 04 - Fall 2011
Picture of Monica K. Hurdal Lateral Right View of Neural Tissue


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Final Exam - Review

Related Pages: Course Home Page | Syllabus | Schedule and Homework

As stated in class, you are allowed to bring to the exam one 8.5x11 inch page, written on both sides for the final exam. You can write whatever you want on this page: eg. definitions, formulas, examples, etc. Calculators will be allowed for the exam.

This course covered Chapters 12-16 from the course text book:
Vectors and the Geometry of Space - Chapter 12
Vectors Functions - Chapter 13
Partial Derivatives - Chapter 14
Multiple Integrals - Chapter 15
Vector Calculus - Chapter 16

The final exam will cover material from the entire course. However, 40-50% of the exam will cover material from Chapter 16 since that material has not yet been tested.

There will be approximately 8-10 questions, plus one bonus question. The bonus question will have a value equal to 10% of the exam.

I suggest you focus on the following types of problems as they test multiple things covered during the course:

  • Line Integrals
    - tests line integrals, vector dot product, parametric equations
  • Fundamental Theorem of Line Integrals
    - tests line integrals, potential functions
  • Green's Theorem
    - tests line integrals, multiple integration
  • Stokes' Theorem
    - tests curl, vector cross product, line integrals, multiple integration
  • Divergence Theorem
    - tests divergence, flux integrals, multiple integration
  • Vector Fields - be able to draw and interpret
    - tests understanding and interpretation of vector fields and related concepts including curl, divergence, flux, work (line integrals)
  • Coordinate Transformations
    - tests polar, cylindrical, spherical coordinates, transformation of coordinates, applications of integration
  • Optimization Problems
    - tests understanding and applications of partial derivatives
  • Partial Derivatives including Gradients and Directional Derivatives
    - tests applications and understanding of partial derivatives, chain rule, differentials, directional derivatives, gradient vectors
  • Surfaces including Contour Maps
    - tests understanding of 3D functions, equations of planes and surfaces
  • Applications of Double and Triple Integrals
    - tests understanding of integration and applications including area, surface area, volume, mass, center of mass, moments of inertia

    Make sure you can do all the assigned review problems and practice on the previous tests and quizzes. If you can do those problems correctly while using your time efficiently, then you will do well on the final exam.

    Here are the reviews from the previous tests:

  • Test 1 Review
  • Test 2 Review
  • Test 3 Review
  • Test 4 Review
  • Chapter 16 Review

    Here are pdf files of the tests which you can download and print, as well as previous final exams. You will need a pdf viewer, such an Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files.

  • Test 1 (pdf file, 40K) and Solutions
  • Test 2 (pdf file, 46K) and Solutions
  • Test 3 (pdf file, 49K) and Solutions
  • Test 4 (pdf file, 52K) and Solutions
  • Final Exam Fall 2003 (pdf file, 48K) and Answers (pdf file, 34K)
  • Final Exam Spring 2005 (pdf file, 71K)
  • Final Exam Spring 2007 (pdf file, 52K) and Answers (pdf file, 37K)
  • Final Exam Spring 2008 (pdf file, 52K) and Answers (pdf file, 37K)
  • Final Exam Fall 2009 (pdf file, 54K) and Answers (pdf file, 48K)

    Good luck on the exam! I enjoyed having all of you in my class.

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    Copyright 2011 by Monica K. Hurdal. All rights reserved.