MAC 2313 - Section 04 - Fall 2011
Picture of Monica K. Hurdal Lateral Right View of Neural Tissue


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Test 2 - Review

Related Pages: Course Home Page | Syllabus | Homework

As stated in class, you are allowed to bring to the test one 8.5x11 inch page, written on both sides. You can write whatever you want on this page: eg. definitions, formulas, examples, etc. Calculators will be allowed for the test.

Chapter 13 - Vector Functions

  • limit of a vector function
  • derivatives and integrals of vector functions
  • position, velocity and acceleration vector functions
  • sketch a vector function/space curve, its velocity and acceleration
  • arc length
  • reparameterize a curve with respect to arc length
  • curvature and what it means
  • tangent, normal, bionormal vectors
  • tangential and normal components of acceleration
  • applications: projectiles, equations of normal and osculating planes, equation of tangent line

    Review Homework for Chapter 13, pg 850: #1, 5, 6, 8-11, 13, 15, 17-20

    Chapter 14 - Partial Derivativies - 14.1 - 14.4 (to linear approximations on pg 894)

    Partial Derivatives

  • domain, range, limits, continuity, differentiability of a function
  • definition
  • interpretation
  • compute numerically and algebraically
  • second order and higher partial derivatives (including interpretations)


  • level curves
  • Laplace's equation, wave equation
  • equation of tangent plane: using partial derivatives
  • linear approximation to a surface (local linearity/tangent plane approximation)
    Review Homework for Chapter 14, pg 945: #1, 3, 5, 9, 11a, 11c, 13, 17, 21, 23, 25a, 33

    Home Page

    Copyright 2011 by Monica K. Hurdal. All rights reserved.