MAC 2313 - Section 04 - Fall 2011
Picture of Monica K. Hurdal Lateral Right View of Neural Tissue


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Test 1 - Review

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Calculators will be allowed for the test.

Chapter 12 - Vectors and the Geometry of Space


  • vector properties: addition, subtraction, scalar multiplcation, zero vector
  • vector components, resolving a vector into components
  • vector between 2 points, distance between 2 points
  • magnitude, length
  • unit vector
  • dot product: geometric and algebraic definitions, interpretation and properties
  • cross product: geometric and algebraic definitions, interpretation and properties
  • normal vector, orthogonality
  • direction angles and direction cosines
  • scalar and vector projections
  • applications: angle between 2 vectors, perpendicularity, normal vectors, work, vector problems dealing with velocity and direction of heading, tension problems, equation of a plane, area of a rectangle or triangle, volume of a parallelepiped

    Lines and Planes and Surfaces

  • 3d coordinate systems
  • equation of a sphere
  • distance: between 2 points, a point and a plane
  • equations of a line: vector, parametric, symmetric equations
  • equations of a plane: vector, scalar, linear equations
  • surfaces on page 808
  • be able to investigate, interpret, identify, plot and visualize/sketch functions of several variables (including linear functions)
  • applications: determine if lines intersect or are parallel, determine if 2 planes interesect or are parallel, determine the point of interestion of 2 lines, determine the line of intersection of 2 planes, distance from a point to a plane, angle of intersection between 2 planes

    Review Homework for Chapter 12, pg 813: #1, 3-7, 10-13, 15-36; for #22, use formula from 12.4 #43; for #27 use formula from 12.5 #73

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    Copyright 2011 by Monica K. Hurdal. All rights reserved.