MAC 2313 - Section 04 - Fall 2011
Picture of Monica K. Hurdal Lateral Right View of Neural Tissue


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Chapter 16 - Review

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Remainder of Chapter 16 - Vector Calculus

Parameterization of Curves and Surfaces
  • parameterize lines, circles, curves in general, planes, surfaces
  • parameterizations using spherical and cylindrical coordinates
  • surface area of a parameterized surface

    Vector Fields
  • compute gradient vector fields
  • find potential function of a gradient vector field

    Line Integrals
  • definition
  • properties
  • line integrals of vector fields
  • interpretation of line integrals over vector fields: work, circulation
  • compute line intergral over a parameterized curve
  • terminology: path independent = conservative = gradient vector field
  • determine whether a vector field is path-independent (items 1-3 below)
  • find potential function of a path independent / conservative / gradient vector field
  • path-independent fields: us Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Line Integrals (i.e. if curl = 0, find f and apply F.T.L.I.)
  • path-dependent fields: Green's Theorem: use if curve closed

    Surface/Flux Integrals
  • definition
  • properties
  • interpretation (rate fluid flows through a surface)
  • surface integrals of scalar functions
  • surface integrals of vector fields
  • calculate flux through a surface given by z=f(x,y), through a cylindrical surface, through a spherical surface, through a parameterized surface

  • definition
  • interpretation (rotation)
  • Stokes' Theorem - be able to use this theorem to calculate a line; use if curve is boundary of a surface
  • curl test

  • definition
  • interpretation (net outflow)
  • Divergence Theorem: be able to use this theorem to calculate flux integral

    Review Homework for Chapter 16, pg 1107: #1b, 15-17 odds, 25-35 odds (previously assigned #1-13 odds)

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    Copyright 2011 by Monica K. Hurdal. All rights reserved.