Limericks For 2014

Limericks for 2013

Said a girl who can't swim from Taiwan:
"I insist that my mobile stay on!"
Then she walked off a pier
Checking Facebook ... Oh, dear! ...
'Tis a wonder she's here, and not gone!

(December, 2013)
Story here

For one's age to have reached sixty-five
Means retirement for most men alive
But Prince Charles must yet wait
For that still future date
When his time to start work will arrive!

(November, 2013)

Having brought the US to its knees
A dysfunctional Congress agrees
On a new budget plan
Down the road kicks the can
And does nothing to cure its disease!

(October, 2013)

The Olympics considered three bids
Tok-y-o's, Istanbul's and Madrid's ...
Now Japan is the host—
Making Turkey's bid toast
After Spain's bid went under the skids!

(September, 2013)
Story here

In a China where zoos are the rage
Once a zoo with no beasts for its cage
Had a dog play a cat
And a lion at that! ...
Will the dog now appear on mane stage?

(August, 2013)
Story here

In lawn tennis, it seemed British guys
Would forever be in their demise
With no Wimbledon cheer
In July ... till this year
Andy Murray at last won the prize!

(July, 2013)

To that pool somewhere up in the sky
Where it's said mermaids go when they die
One can only suppose
Esther Williams now goes ...
Meaning never again to be dry!

(June, 2013)

Commencements all over the nation
Are causes for great celebration
But outlooks are bleak
If it's work that you seek—
Which can cloud how one views graduation!

(May, 2013)

In April the time you've been whiling
Away on your taxes for filing
Can leave you elated
That you'll get rebated ...
Or mean that the taxman is smiling!

(April, 2013)

Argentina's own Jorge I am
I would ride to my church on the tram
I'm so simple a guy
Who'd a thunk it was I
Whom they meant by "Habemus pap-am"?!

(March, 2013)

Said the pope: Other priests can retire
Why should I work until I expire? ...
So I've made up my mind
It is time I resigned—
And I'll put up my feet up by the fire!

(February, 2013)

In his second inaugural speech
Did Obama the nation beseech:
Stop your name-calling way
Let more immigrants stay
And keep guns locked away out of reach!

(January, 2013)

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