Limericks For 2013

Limericks for 2012

Here's a rule Britons seek to disown:
Male trumps female in line to the throne ...
So we hope Kate will bear
A young princess as heir
Who will own her own throne when full grown!

(December, 2012)
Story here

"Pennsylvania's one we will save"
David Axelrod said, "Or I'll shave
My moustache from its place" ...
But it's still on his face—
And Obama is riding a wave!

(November, 2012)
Story here

A rosier future's projected
Obamacare will be protected
'Cos Romney and Ryan
Have both been sent flyin'—
Obama has been reelected!

(November, 2012)

It's debates that October is for
They have three to be Prez, and no more
Though round 1's on Mitt's side
With round 2, it got tied ...
Now 2-1 to Barack is the score!

(October, 2012)

A champion from Scotland called Murray
Who made British tennis fans worry
Throughout his endeavor
By taking forever
To win, is no man in a hurry!

(September, 2012)
Story here

For a cricket team known as the Bears
Who defeated a team called the Pears
With an innings to spare
There's champagne in the air—
'Cos the Championship pennant is theirs!

(September, 2012)
Story here

With "I am what I am and that's all!"
Does Mitt Romney now hope to stand tall
As a regular guy ...
But I've heard that Pop-eye
Will be voting Obama this fall!

(August, 2012)
Story here

Though America medalled the most
And Jamaica of top speed can boast
The Olympic refrain
You'll hear most, it's quite plain
Is that London was such a great host!

(August, 2012)

As the world football champions Spain
Played in Poland and in the Ukraine
They had hopes building up
For a third major Cup ...
And they won, so their hopes weren't in vain!

(July, 2012)

Queen Elizabeth's Jubilee scene
Marks the sixty grand years she has been
In most dignified ways
Queen of all she surveys
And lets Britons toast, "Long live the Queen!"

(June, 2012)

Napoleon Chagnon's life mission
Was studying fusion and fission
In tribes Venezuelan ...
For which we're now hailin'
A National Academician!

(May, 2012)
Story here

John Edwards was once a contender
For being a White House pretender
But now he's on trial
Maintaining denial
He broke laws to be a big spender!

(April, 2012)
Story here

When your plane for Las Vegas is bound
But your pilot's not mentally sound
Aren't you wishing that you
Had not flown with JetBlue
And instead kept your wheels on the ground?

(March, 2012)
Story here

Meryl Streep, Meryl Streep, Meryl Streep
Now your Oscars amount to a heap!
But Viola has none ...
Could you not not have won
So Ms. Davis could have one to keep?

(February, 2012)

Up in London this year there will be
Two bejewelled occasions to see:
Only Gold, Silver, Bronze
For Olympic great ones ...
But a Diamond for Queen's Jubilee!

(January, 2012)

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Limericks For 2011

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