Florida State University Seal

Department of Mathematics

College of Arts and Sciences

Xiping's Calculus With Analytic Geometry Class

About WebAssign Assignments

When you log into WebAssign, on the left side you will see a lot of assignments. Among them only the "Homework Week ##" is the one that will be graded, the others with names "## Practice " are for practice use only. They will NOT be graded.

About Test 01

On Thursday, 05/26/2016 you will be taking your first test. The test will cover sections 2.1-2.8 and 3.1-3.3. NO calculators are allowed during the test.

There will be NO homework this week.



Hi, this is XP. I have finished grading your first test. While some of you did great, I also recognized that a number of you had trouble understanding/remembering some topics we have covered. However, they are super important topics, in the sense that you cannot do well on future concepts in calculus without fully understanding these topics on test 1.

To make sure that we are prepared before we move too far along, I urge you to go through the first test and rework the problems carefully on your own. IF there were topics that you did not know before taking test 1, go back and learn those topics. I will give a 25 minute mini test on Thursday June 2nd, which will cover the same sections as in test 01 ( 2.1-2.8 and 3.1-3.3. ). The mini test will measure 10 pts, and the score will be added to your first test, up to 105 pts.

This is a one-time opportunity to improve your test 1 grade and you should take full advantage of this opportunity. Do not expect future bonus opportunities.