Florida State University Seal

Roberto Camassa


Speaker: Roberto Camassa
Title: Fluid Structure Interactions at (mostly) Low Reynolds Numbers: Sphere Settlings, Primary Cilia, Waves and Vortex Rings
Affiliation: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Date: Friday, September 25, 2015
Place and Time: Room 101, Love Building, 3:35-4:30 pm
Refreshments: Room 204, Love Building, 3:00 pm

Abstract. The interplay between structures in relative motion with respect to an ambient fluid and density stratifications, including such extreme cases as free surfaces, are a constant source of interesting physical an mathematical phenomena. This talk will outline examples in this area of research involving a combination of analytical, numerical and experimental techniques, stemming from interdisciplinary projects centered around the facilities of the UNC Joint Fluids Lab in collaboration with science departments at UNC.