Florida State University Seal

Department of Mathematics

College of Arts and Sciences

Reporting FSUSECURE, FSUGUEST, or EDUROAM Wireless Problems

To provide Internet access for student-owned computers, we have arranged with FSU Information Technology Services (ITS) to install and maintain wireless access points in all Math student areas.

If problems occur with FSUSECURE, FSUGUEST, or EDUROAM wireless access from any Math areas, please report the issue! To do this, go to the FSU Service Center and report a new problem:

Please include the following info:

1. Your physical location: office number and building name.

2. The equipment you are using. For a laptop, mention the make/model, what OS and version it is running.

3. Describe the behavior (or lack of behavior) you are experiencing.

4. If the problem is sporatic, be sure to list times/dates for both successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the wireless network. These times can sometimes be matched to computer logs to help diagnose the problem.

5. After you create the case, please send an email to so the Math System Group is aware of the issue. Include your case number!

Each Service Center case generated will cause more attention to be given to the issue, so please be sure to create a case when you have a problem even if others near you are doing the same. Here are the webpages for FSU wireless networks, which have more information: