Florida State University Seal

Department of Mathematics

College of Arts and Sciences

Qualifier exams signup

There is no restriction on the number of exams you can sign up for, but please be advised that signing up for more than two exams in the same session is discouraged. If you really need or want to sign up for more than two exams, you should discuss this with your advisor or area director.


The form will require the following data:

  1. Your Name.
  2. Your FSUID (that's your username part of your @my.fsu.edu email address).
  3. Your preferred email address. That can be your @my.fsu.edu email address, or some other.
  4. Your area—to be chosen from the menu.
  5. If you are an incoming student or not (please answer this before proceeding).

Then choose the exams you want to sign up for. Many of the exams are divided into two parts: sign up for the part of your choice. If you want to take the whole exam then click both parts. For example, if you plan to take Topology, both parts, then click both Topology I and Topology II.

Finally, scroll to the bottom of the form and click Submit.

Qualifier Exam Sign Up Currently Disabled