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Major in Mathematics

Undergraduate Mathematics Home

The mathematics major

This is the traditional major in mathematics with an emphasis on providing students with a general mathematical background. This major will give students a significant background in problem solving and mathematical reasoning, which can be applied in any profession. The major courses are designed to prepare students for graduate school in mathematics or a mathematical science, or a variety of professional careers benefiting from a quantitative background.

See the Undergraduate General Bulletin for major requirements and course descriptions:

Note: Major requirements are occasionally updated and are determined for a particular student according to the Bulletin in effect at the time of a student's admission to the major. The following link shows an archive of previous versions of the Bulletin: registrar.fsu.edu/archive/. Meeting with the Major Advisor is important to ensure that the correct major requirements are being satisfied.

For further questions about the major requirements, please see the Major Advisor.

Note: Semesters listed indicate which semesters the courses have usually been offered, but is subject to change.


hours semester
MAC 2311 Calculus I (4) (Fall, Spring, Summer)
MAC 2312 Calculus II (4) (Fall, Spring, Summer)
MAC 2313 Calculus III (5) (Fall, Spring, Summer)
MAS 3105 Applied Linear Algebra I (4) (Fall, Spring, Summer)
MAP 2302 Ordinary Differential Equations (3) (Fall, Spring, Summer)
COP 3014
ISC 3313
Programming I
Introduction to Scientific Computing
(3) (Fall, Spring, Summer)
STA 3032 Applied Statistics (3) (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Next Steps

hours semester
MGF 3301* Intro To Advanced Mathematics (3) (Fall, Spring, Summer)
MAS 4302 Intro To Abstract Algebra I (3) (Fall, Summer)
MAA 4224
MAA 4226
Intro To Analysis
Advanced Calculus I
(Fall, Spring)
PHY 2048C* General Physics A (5) (Fall, Spring, Summer)

*PHY 2049C is recommended.

MGF3301 (Introduction to Advanced Mathematics) builds proof writing skills and should be taken prior to any 4XXX level mathematics course. Students aiming for graduate study in mathematics are advised to take the full year sequences in Advanced Calculus (MAA4226-4227) and Introduction to Abstract Algebra (MAS4302-4303), and consider an Honors Thesis.

*Note: You are permitted to take MGF 3301 even if you have credit for MAD 2104. (This is department policy that the Bulletin has not yet caught up with.)

Upper Division Sequences

course number course name
MAA 4226-4227 Advanced Calculus I & II
MAA 4402 & MTG 4302 Complex Analysis and Topology I
MAD 3703-4704 Numerical Analysis I & II
MAP 4341-4342 Elementary Partial Differential Equations I & II
MAS 4302-4303 Introduction To Abstract Algebra I & II

Additional Courses

hours semester
MAA 4227 Advanced Calc II (3) (Spring)
MAA 4402 Complex Variables (3) (Fall, Spring, Summer)
MAD 3105 Discrete Mathematics II (3) (Fall, Spring, Summer)
MAD 3703 Numerical Analysis I (3) (Fall, Spring)
MAD 4300 Graph Theory and Networks (3) (Irregular)
MAD 4704 Numerical Analysis II (3) (Odd Springs)
MAP 4103 Mathematical Modeling (3) (Fall, Spring)
MAP 4153 Vector Calculus (3) (Spring)
MAP 4180 Game Theory and Applications (3) (Fall in even years)
MAP 4202 Optimization (3) (Irregular)
MAP 4216 Calculus of Variations (3) (Irregular F19)
MAP 4341 Elem Partial Differential Equations I (3) (Fall, Spring, Summer)
MAP 4342 Elem Partial Differential Equations II (3) (Spring)
MAS 4106 Applied Linear Algebra II (3) (Spring)
MAS 4203 Theory of Numbers (3) (Spring)
MAS 4303 Intro to Abstract Algebra II (3) (Spring)
MHF 4302 Mathematical Logic I (3) (Irregular)
MTG 4302 Elementary Topology I (3) (Spring)
MTG 4303 Elementary Topology II (3) (Irregular)
MAT 4934 Honors Thesis/Honors Work (3) (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Last update: 2/11/21