FSU Math Fun Day
Math Fun Day is proud to partner with the FSU Festival of the Creative Arts.
The Department of Mathematics hosts FSU Math Fun Day, an Open House for the general public of all ages, including K-12 students and teachers. Come join us for some math fun! There will be lots of hands-on activities, presentations, exhibits, demonstration, and workshops. Activities are available for all ages in grades K-12, but students in kindergarten and grade 1 will need extra parental help. Anyone and everyone is invited to attend and all the activities are free.
The FSU Festival of the Creative Arts (FCA) includes many free activities
throughout January and February. Here is a Program of FCA Events.
The theme on February 1 is Mathematics which
includes Math Fun Day in the afternoon and a symphony performance,
Sing with the Symphony in the morning 10:30am-11:45am in Ruby Diamond Concert
This annual performance features a new
work for audience and orchestra for all
ages to join in! This year the theme is
Math and student composer, Justine de
Saint Mars has written a new piece, The
Mathematician's Patterns, based on a text
of the English mathematician, G. H. Hardy.
The program also includes selections
from Gerald Finzi's Clarinet Concerto, and
William Dawson's Negro Folk Symphony.
(Video Information About the Symphony.
Click here for Maps and Parking Information.
Do you want your children and families to experience mathematics in a fun
and engaging way? Come to FSU Math Fun Day. Each year, faculty, staff,
and student volunteers from the Department of Mathematics engage with the
community, including K-12 students and teachers to demonstrate that MATH is FUN! If you have not attended before,
we welcome you, and if you are returning, welcome back! The event is free and
open to the general public. This is our 9th annual Math Fun Day!
us on Facebook for more details!
Come join us! Please check back often for event updates.
Activity rooms are an open house style event, where people can come and go.
For online donations, you can also become a
Friend of
FSU Math.
Your donations to FSU Mathematics help support alumni networking, community outreach, research activities, and guest speakers.
1:00-5:00pm - Various hands-on activities, including workshops and demonstrations.
Information about FSU Math Fun Day
Dr. Monica K. Hurdal, Event Director and Professor in the Department of Mathematics
Email: MathFunDay@math.fsu.edu or mhurdal@math.fsu.edu
Phone: (850) 644-2202 (Department of Mathematics Main Office) or (850)-644-7405 (direct)
You and your fellow game participants are given a game scenario.
The choices you make will lead to different game outcomes, some good and
some not so good. What a dilemma!
Will you and your fellow players reach the optimal/best outcome or will you
reach the worst possible outcome? Join us in playing cooperative games to
learn about the mathematical field of Game Theory.
Multiple game sessions will be held, and participants will be given a set time
limit to play the game.
Each session is limited, so be sure to sign-up outside Room 101!
Recommended for Grades 5 and above.
Featured Faculty from Mathematics:
Fractals are infinitely repeating patterns that are similar at every scale and
occur in science and nature. Learn what fractals are, and come create your own in 2D and 3D using geometry or a computer!
Recommended for Grades 2 and up.
Discover where math appears in nature, music, art, DNA, biology, plants, and animals. Learn about the Fibonacci sequence and investigate the golden mean spiral.
Recommended for all ages.
Create your own secret codes and ciphers and find out how to decipher messages! Be challenged by other mathematical puzzles and riddles! Which puzzles can you solve?
Join faculty in a variety of hands-on mathematical activities. Activities with numbers, shapes, and software defined radio are some of the things you can try! Or just come and chat about math!
Recommended for all ages.
Try your hand at 3D tic-tac-toe and other games. Learn some of the mathematical strategies
for playing various games and use mathematics to improve your playing style!
Recommended for all ages.
Build polyhedra and other shapes with mathematical construction tools, such as Zome.
Discover the natural symmetries that govern 3-dimensional space.
Recommended for all ages.
Recommended for all ages with mathematical challenges at all levels.
This Activity Room is organized by the FSU Student Chapter of the Association of Women in Mathematics
Do you know of any famous female mathematicians? There are lots! Come learn
about some of the contributions women have made to mathematics and mathematical
research. There are hands-on activities to demonstrate some of the fields of
mathematics where women have made discoveries.
Recommended for Grades K-12.
Support FSU Department of Mathematics and Student Math Societies with a Donation
Donations will be gratefully accepted to support this event and future outreach events, as well as student activities and research!
As a thank you gift for onsite donations, you have the opportunity to receive your very own Math Fun Day t-shirt
or an autographed kids book, The Mathematical Investigations of Dr. O and Arya, which contains many mathematical activities for kids and is
written by our Secret Codes presenter Dr. Giray Okten and his daughter
Arya Okten.
Event Advertising and Media Releases
Printable Math Fun Day Poster:
Printable FCA Poster:
Sing with the Symphony Poster:
Maps and Parking
- Parking Information
- Google Map with Parking around Love Building
- FSU Campus Map Highlighting the Love Building
- Google Map with Love Building
Financial Support
FSU Math Fun Day is made possible through the generous financial support of
- The College of Arts and Sciences at Florida State University,
- The College of Education at Florida State University,
- The Department of Mathematics at Florida State University,
- The Brennan Professorship of Mathematics,
- Friends of FSU Math.
Contact Us
If you would like to support FSU Math Fun Day, and other outreach activities
Event Director: Professor Monica K. Hurdal, Department of Mathematics
Email: MathFunDay@math.fsu.edu
Phone: (850) 644-2202 (Department of Mathematics Main Office) or (850) 644-7405 (Direct)
Information on this site will be updated periodically.
Like us on facebook at
follow our event on facebook;
and follow us
on Instagram and twitter #FSUMathFunDay