FSU Mathematics Graduate Student Research Week 2024
Graduate Student Research Week April 8-April 12 J. J. Love Building, Department of Mathematics |
The Department of Mathematics is holding the Graduate Student Research Week to highlight research being conducted by the math graduate students. This celebration of research will consist of a series of "Flash Talks" in addition to a Poster competition.
Awards will be presented to winners of both competitions during Math Honors Day on Friday April 19 at 3:05pm in LOV 101.
2024 Graduate Student Research Week events were organized by the FSU Mathematics Graduate Student Council.
Flash Talk Competition
Friday, April 12, 2024
3:05-3:55 p.m., 101 Love Building
Graduate student Flash Talks are limited to 5 minutes, with a short 2-minute question and answer portion afterwards. Judges for this event are Oishee Banerjee and Bhargav Karamched.
Shaikh Obaidullah (BIO)
Title: Osmotic Laxatives: Unraveling Their Covert Impact on Gut Microbial Warfare -
Arash Karimi (PURE)
Title: Category Theory in Biology -
Tristen Jackson (BIO)
Title: Synced but Unlinked: Pituitary Cell Synchronization by Parameter Similarity Rather than Physical Coupling -
Christopher Ryzowicz (BIO)
Title: Oscillations in Delayed Positive Feedback Systems -
Siming Liang (FIN)
Title: Generative AI in Data Assimilation -
Abdullah Malik (PURE)
Title: Finding cliques by not finding cliques -
Ryan Bausback (FIN)
Title: Application of SNN to Probabilistic Deep Operator Learning
Poster Competition
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
2:15-4 p.m., 2nd Floor Hallway, Love Building
Posters will be displayed on the walls of the second floor of the Love building by Monday, April 8. Participants of this year's poster competition will be undergraduate students' majority of whom will be part of the Directed Reading Program organized by the math department. Posters will be judged by Malbor Asllani and Qi Feng. Visitors are welcome to interact with the participants and ask questions about their posters.
- Poster 1:
Title: Stock Price Prediction: Deep Neural Network LSTM
Presenters: Alexander Khan (Directed Reading Program), Pietro Candiani (Directed Reading Program)
Grad Mentor: Md Arafatur Rahman - Poster 2:
Title: Conformal Mappings and Their Applications and focuses in Complex Analysis
Presenter: Tyler Goldman (Directed Reading Program)
Grad Mentor: Jonathan Schillinger - Poster 3:
Title: Extensions of Colley's matrix and ranking methods
Presenters: Charlie Diaz (Directed Reading Program), Arron Bui (Directed Reading Program)
Grad Mentor: Jonathan Engle - Poster 4:
Title: Solving Linear/Nonlinear PDE's using Physics Informed Neural Network
Presenter: Connor Brown (Directed Reading Program)
Grad Mentor: Shirin Provat - Poster 5:
Title: Optical Thermodynamics: Uniqueness of Temperature Analysis
Presenter: Wonmin Song (Directed Reading Program)
Grad Mentor: Savvas Sardelis - Poster 6:
Title: Modeling the Structural Interior of Pluto
Presenter: Michael Davis