Florida State University                                                                                                              Department of Mathematics       

Applied  and Computational Mathematics


Acoustics Research

Analytical Methods 


Computational  Methods

Flow Control and Optimization

Fluid Dynamics

High Performance Computing

Large Scale Computing and Simulation

Material Research and Computational Rheology

Nano Materials and Nanotechnology

Numerical Analysis


Scientific Visualization




Acoustics Research


Christopher Tam
Ph D, Caltech, 1966

Computational Mathematics and Numerical Simulation
This involves the development of low dispersion and dissipation computation schemes, numerical boundary conditions and the mathematical analysis of the scheme's computational properties. These computational methods are being used in large scale numerical simulation of a number of real world problems.

Jet Noise and Aeroacoustics
Jet and other aircraft noise theories and prediction codes are being developed to support NASA and the US Aircraft Industry's noise reduction effort.


David Kopriva

Yousuff Hussaini







Contact wang@math.fsu.edu   or xxu@math.fsu.edu with comments, corrections or suggestions for additions.