MAP 6437-01 - Biomathematics Projects Course: Student Presentation Schedule - Spring 2013
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MAP 6437: Student Presentation Schedule

Related Pages: Course Home Page | Syllabus

8 Jan
Monica Hurdal
Course Introduction and Scheduling
10 Jan
Monica Hurdal
Research Resources: Library Databases and Citation Indices
15 Jan
17 Jan
Monica Hurdal
Review Process
Assignment: Article Review due Jan 24
22 Jan
Monica Hurdal
Research Funding
24 Jan
Monica Hurdal
Article Review Due
Project Topics Due
Article Review Discussion
29 Jan
Monica Hurdal
NSF Grant Proposals and Reviewing Grants
31 Jan
Monica Hurdal
CVs (Research Section)
5 Feb
Monica Hurdal
CVs (Teaching and Service Sections)
Statements on Research, Teaching and Career Goals
7 Feb
Monica Hurdal
Journal Article Submissions
12 Feb
Monica Hurdal
Job Websites: click here
14 Feb
Presentation 1: David Ekrut
19 Feb
Presentation 1: Max Wyse
21 Feb
Presentation 1: Yao Dai
26 Feb
Presentation 1: Diana Flores Diaz
28 Feb
Presentation 1: Dan Weingard
5 Mar
Presentation 2: Max Wyse
Introduced by Diana Florse Diaz
7 Mar
Presentation 2: David Ekrut
Introduced by Yao Dai
12 Mar
Spring Break - No Classes
14 Mar
Spring Break - No Classes
19 Mar
Presentation 2: Diana Flores Diaz
Introduced by Max Wyse
21 Mar
Presentation 2: Dan Weingard
Introduced by David Ekrut
28 Mar
Presentation 3: David Ekrut
Introduced by Dan Weingard
26 Mar
Presentation 2: Yao Dai
Introduced by Dan Weingard
Mon 1 Apr: Written Project Reports due by noon
2 Apr
Presentation 3: Max Wyse
Introduced by David Ekrut
4 Apr
Presentation 3: Yao Dai
Introduced by Max Wyse
9 Apr
Presentation 3: Diana Flores Diaz
Introduced by Yao Dai
11 Apr
Presentation 3: Dan Weingard
Introduced by Diana Flores Diaz
16 Apr
Review/Critique Session
18 Apr
Review/Critique Session
23 Apr
Review/Critique Session
25 Apr
Report Resubmission due by 11:00am

Home Page

Copyright 2013 by Monica K. Hurdal. All rights reserved.