Jobs and Job Information
Picture of Monica K. Hurdal Lateral Right View of Neural Tissue

Jobs and Job Information

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Jobs and Job Information

Here are some resources on jobs, including job hunting and job listings. While I try to keep this page up to date, some of these links may be out of date.

Math Jobs

  • - jobs for Mathematicians through the American Mathematical Society
  • AMS Emplyment Services - job resources for Mathematicians through the American Mathematical Society
  • Society for Mathematical Biology Email List and Job Listings
  • Canadian Mathematical Society Job Listing - mainly includes jobs in Canada
  • NSF Mathematical Sciences Institutes - most institutes have a post-doc program and lost of workshop opportunities; see for example the Mathematical Biosciences Institutes (MBI) Postdoctoral Fellowships
  • Job Resources compiled by FSU Mathematics Department

    Biomedical Jobs

  • Employment Links for the Biomedical Scientist
  • BioSpace - Biotech and Pharmaceutical Jobs
  • IEEE Job Site - IEEE (Engineering Society) Job Page
  • BMEnet-list: this is a list-serv that you must sucbscribe to and include Job Listings

    Neuroscience Jobs

  • Society for Neuroscience (SFN) NeuroJobs Career Center
  • Organization for Computational Neurosciences Job Opportunities
  • Faculty Positions in Cognitive Neuroscience

    General and International Job Listings

  • The Chronicle of Higher Education
  • U.S. Department of Energy National Labs - the 17 National Labs have many post-doc and jobs opportunities
  • - jobs in Australia, including Sydney Morning Herald Classifieds
  • PhD Job Resources
  • Bell Labs Innovations
  • Careers International - International Jobs, mostly in the private sector
  • Computing Research Association Jobs - jobs for Computer Scientisist, Computer Engineers, and Computer Researchers
  • Monster Jobs
  • Glassdoor Jobs

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    Copyright 2013-2016 by Monica K. Hurdal. All rights reserved.