Limericks For 1997

Limericks for 1996

There once was a general, Powell
Who shouldn't have thrown in the towel
For he'd come tops in pollin' ...
If they didn't make Colin
Sound just like the end of your bowel!

(some time prior to U.S. Elections, 1996)

There once was a senator, Dole
Who'd hide all his mirth in his soul ...
But if anxious to win
He had best learn to grin —
Or he'll lose to Perot at the poll!

(some time prior to U.S. Elections, 1996)

There once was a president, Clinton
Who's better at joggin' than sprintin' ...
But leisurely pace
Might still win this fall's race —
'Cos it's Dole whom Perot votes are stintin'!

(some time prior to U.S. Elections, 1996)

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