Anagram for the Month 1999

MonthCategoryAnagram (click for solution)
DecemberCuban males Unjoined ... amazing unlegal zeal! (4, 6, 3, 5, 8)
NovemberInternational body NW riot donor? ... Tear gas laid! (5, 5, 12)
NovemberAtlantic traveller Rechurn inanely (9, 5)
OctoberGermanic scientist Be told curer got Nobel (6, 7, 6)
OctoberAmerican athletes Overall price reducers sneak a want (5, 7, 3, 10, 5)
SeptemberAtlantic traveller I, great churner (9, 4)
SeptemberAtlantic traveller Encoil hard fury (9, 5)
SeptemberAntipodean place A riot stem (4, 5)
AugustAtlantic traveller Rain in use ... drench! (9, 6)
JulyAmerican athlete A tennis lady prov'd (7, 9)
JuneSwiss athlete I am tarnishing (7, 6)
JuneBritish couple Hope-pinners can wed, joy sharers did! (6, 6, 3, 6, 4-5)
MayAmerican politician Lame hit in Belgrade (9, 8)
AprilSerbian politician Evil boss ... a loco mind? (8, 9)
MarchAmerican book I'm no racy toss (7, 5)
FebruaryAmerican film critics Seen to be reel grader kings? (4, 6, 3, 5, 5)
JanuaryAmerican shenanigans Monica hiding dress hem smear? (4, 6, 3, 12)

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I discovered each of the above anagrams either in a checkout line, or in the shower, or in a traffic hold-up, or in a waiting room, or while sweeping the roof; or else during a faculty meeting. So, in particular, I did not use a computer. For more of my anagrams, click here.

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Anagrams For 1998

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