Anagram for the Month 1998

MonthCategoryAnagram (click for solution)
DecemberAmerican statesman Waving stroller, hecoon (8, 6, 6)
NovemberAmerican female Flesh is media maid (5, 5, 6)
OctoberEuropean explorer Robs much lucre to ship (11, 8)
SeptemberAmerican spectacle Ruiner goes charge (9, 7)
SeptemberAmerican spectacle Not dating time, jaded voyeurs pry (10, 5, 4, 9)
AugustAmerican female I knew man cosily (6, 8)
JulyAmerican peninsula Ad of a lit forest? (5, 2, 7)
JuneAmerican couple Win a hunk ad? An elected bride, viz Liz! (5, 8, 3, 9, 5)
JuneAmerican lawyers Coach Clinton aide, jab at press? (5, 8, 3, 5, 5)
JuneAmerican achiever Oracled in vita? (13)
MayIndonesian politician Rupiah rottedness (9, 7)
MayAmerican entertainer I can blast star refrain (7, 6, 7)
AprilBiblical event O Christ, U reenter! (3, 12)
AprilGlobal event A spoof drill? Ay! (5, 5, 3)
MarchAmerican event Irish dance day kept Pat a star (3, 5, 8, 3, 6)
FebruaryAmerican skater I knit a spiral! (4, 8)
FebruaryAmerican institution Nap a lot on ... er, radar rig? (6, 6, 7)
FebruaryAmerican female A.k.a. freak cruelty? (5, 4, 6)
JanuaryAmerican female Can I know my lies? (6, 8)
JanuaryAmerican female Winks nail coy me (6, 8)
JanuaryAmerican female Nice silky woman? (6, 8)
JanuaryCuban politician Padres rein leftist doc (9, 5, 6)

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I discovered each of the above anagrams either in a checkout line, or in the shower, or in a traffic hold-up, or in a waiting room, or while sweeping the roof; or else during a faculty meeting. So, in particular, I did not use a computer. For more of my anagrams, click here.

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Anagrams For 1997

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