Topical Acrostic Sonnets

 Meghan and Harry

 Millennials adore this pair, yet their
 Explosive documentary release
 Gives boomers pause. Has Harry been unfair?
 He should have let his grandma rest in peace!
 As he and Meghan dish more dirt, the high
 Nobility close ranks around the Crown
 And worry for its future ... though here's why
 No lord need fear the monarchy's brought down:
 Duke Harry and his Duchess whine on cue,
 Harrumph and humblebrag and slag the Firm
 And pose and preen for cameras, but eschew
 Revealing all they know—the pachyderm,
 Right in the room. Why? I believe these souls
 Yearn secretly for proper royal roles!

 (First published in Grand Little Things on 9th
  August, 2023. Story here)

 Discreditation aimed at Putin's troops
 Is apt to dent the tyrant's self-esteem.
 So blogger Ivan Losev made an oops
 Confessing, over Instagram, his dream
 Revealed a vision of Vlad's foe: red-hot
 Ex-comic Prez Zelenskyy led armed men
 Detaining Russians to be bound and shot,
 Including Ivan—till the moment when
 The Prez said he liked Ivan's posts online
 And, granting him a selfie, turned him loose
 To blog some more ... Though Ivan got a fine,
 It won't deter his efforts to traduce
 Old Vladimir, and help Ukraine prevail—
 Not even if he's put in Putin's jail!

 (First published in Light on 19th December, 2022 as
  one of the Poems of the Week. Story here)
 Stowaway Ursine

 Shall I remind you of the way you were
 The day you washed up in a seaweed clump
 On Cornwall's shore? You didn't have much fur.
 Without a tummy, arms and legs or rump,
 A threadbare rag too buffeted by swells,
 With just a nose to hint you'd been a bear,
 And caked with plastic, pebbles, sand and shells,
 You stank to heaven up on high—to where
 Us vicars get our inspiration from ...
 Remember then? But now you are reborn.
 Sewn back and stuffed with teddy-bear aplomb
 In brand new fur, you're whole—but I'm now torn,
 Not knowing whence you stowed away. So I'm
 Examining your kelp to trace its slime!

 (Slight variant of poem first published on 6th February,
  2023 in Oddball Magazine. Story here)
 It's Too Un-French

 It's too un-French to work till sixty-four.
 The sacred social contract validates
 State pensions once you're sixty-two, no more,
 To fund your golden years. In other states
 Of Europe, they may work till sixty-six
 Or more, but if you constantly perform
 Up frigid roofs, or down a trench with picks—
 Not in an office, where your bum stays warm
 From sitting in a comfy armchair—then
 Retirement can't come soon enough ... Relent,
 Emmanuel, or we will strike again!
 Not one of us believes the pot is spent
 Completely, that's why France forbids you to
 Hike pension age—it's too un-French to do!

 (First published in Light on 6th February, 2023 as
  one of the Poems of the Week. Story here)
 Who Art In Heaven?

 Who art in Heaven? Art Thou He or She?
 How can we know almighty Heaven's where
 Our Lord or Lady lives—won't Sheaven be
 Almighty if Thou art not Père, but Mère?
 Revision of Our Father's overdue:
 Thy realm is not a kingdom to await
 If Thou art hallowed queen—then, if we're too
 Nefarious, should Shell not be our fate? ...
 High Anglicans who seek to redesign
 Ecclesiastic texts need Thee to show
 A sign of whether Thou art of divine
 Virility or feminism—though
 Expect, since elders are not big on Her,
 No matter who Thou art, they'll call Thee Sir!

 (First published on 27th February, 2023 in
  Oddball Magazine. Story here)
 Sweaty And Dirty

 Sartorially sumptuous on air
 Was how reporters for the Beeb once were
 Expected to appear—but dirty hair
 And sweaty armpits now are de rigueur:
 To win the viewer's trust, don't look as though
 You just stepped off red-carpet duty—smell
 Authentic! To distinguish you from faux
 News anchors wearing suits and ties to sell
 Deliberately biased breaking views,
 Dress down, reflect your viewers' garb! This norm
 Is recommended for all rolling news
 Reporting, to engage the TikTok swarm ...
 Though if you'd be like them, should you not wear
 Your underwear or PJs on the air?

 (First published in Light on 27th February, 2023 as
  one of the Poems of the Week. Story here)

Earlier Topical Acrostic Sonnets

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