Topical Acrostic Sonnets

 Bare Essentials

 Bikinis, trunks and speedos would appal
 Assorted Snakes and Ladders players who
 Reveal themselves in Hemswell Village Hall,
 Espousing their commitment to eschew
 Excessive garb—save one reporter there,
 Sans underwear, uncovering bits for
 Some journalistic scoop on why Brits dare
 Expose their all for starkers Scrabble or
 Nude chess. He's told that bareness frees a chap
 To be at ease. But when fresh tea is brewed,
 It's poured out through a spout above his lap,
 And tea is hot ... which leads him to conclude:
 Life's bare essentials for a journalist
 Should not be just a Fitbit on the wrist!

 (First published on 14th November, 2022 in
  Oddball Magazine. Story here)
 Hare-Brained Dog

 Hounds follow rabbits anywhere they roam
 Although, inside a rabbit hole, the earth
 Retards pursuit. So did a burrowed home
 Ensnare a dog called Cheddar—did his girth
 Block passage in and out? Or did this hound
 Repose at will, quite still but not stuck fast,
 Avoiding fire crews digging in the ground
 In vain, for six whole hours, until at last
 No hope remained that they would tunnel through?
 Extraction having been ruled out, the crews
 Departed, thinking Cheddar must have too ...
 Don't underrate a hare-brained dog you lose
 Outside your home. He needs a night away.
 Give him a break. He'll reappear next day!

 (First published in Light on 7th November, 2022 as
  one of the Poems of the Week. Story here)
 It's The Ergonomy

 It's the ergonomy, ye stooped! You spent
 Two years hunched over laptops on a bed,
 Settee or kitchen stool, and now you're bent
 Too out of shape for office work instead.
 Home working wasn't introduced to wreck
 Employment, but you had no peloton
 Elliptical to stretch your back and neck,
 Relax your nerves and put a damper on
 Godawful posture twisting up your spine
 Or aggravating wrist and shoulder strain—
 Numb digits make it hard to type this line:
 Off sick today with carpal-tunnel pain ...
 My moral's clear: Be glad of your commute—
 You get away, and stretch yourself to boot!

 (First published in Light on 21st November, 2022 as
  one of the Poems of the Week. Story here)
 Twit And Twitter

 The planet's richest man has bought a firm
 Worth scarce a fourth of what he had to pay.
 It's drowning Twitter's boss in drang and sturm
 The new Chief Twit is feeling broke today!
 An exodus of engineers who do
 Not want to be extremely hardcore nerds
 Depressed his advertising revenue
 To where now Twitter's strictly for the birds ...
 While Donald Trump's restored account lies mute,
 If all who used to tweet should make the choice
 To move across to Mastodon and toot,
 Then who would still use Twitter as their voice
 Except the Twit? ... Would he then tweet, to him,
 Remorse for buying Twitter on a whim?!

 (First published in Light on 28th November, 2022 as
  one of the Poems of the Week. Story here)
 St. Bernard's Road

 St. Bernard's Road in Solihull is where
 Two neighbours disagreed about a tree
 Belonging to ... well, that's what kept this pair
 Embroiled in leans upon their property.
 Retired Doc Martin moaned: "It hid my land."
 Next door his neighbour fumed: "It leaned my way,
 And it was worth well over fifty grand.
 Removing it was criminal—you'll pay!"
 Doc duly went to plead his case in court,
 Supported by an arborist who said
 Removal did no harm: the tree, though short
 Of branches, which were worthless, was not dead ...
 A moral isn't very hard to see:
 Downed foliage can leave you up a tree!

 (First published on 30th January, 2023 in the
  Creativity Webzine. Story here)
 Turkey Roasting

 The Yuletide feast makes turkey children mourn:
 Until a week before, their mom and pop
 Rejoiced with them on mountains of fresh corn—
 Kids then see parents sentenced to the chop!
 Expressions of condolence don't abound:
 You can't expect a butcher to feel sad,
 Regaled at Christmas dinner with a mound
 Of stuffing, sauce and roasted mom and dad.
 A veggie is the only one who'll care:
 Simpatico with turkeys, pigs and steers,
 The veggie murders only meatless fare,
 Intent on causing turkey babes no tears ...
 Noel's the time when only veggies bear
 Glad tidings to young turkeys everywhere!

 (First published on 5th December, 2022 in the
  Creativity Webzine)

Earlier Topical Acrostic Sonnets

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