Topical Acrostic Sonnets

 M. Roland Mesnier

 More Democratic Party members than
 Republicans ate my desserts: Dems reeked
 Of greater sweetness than the Reagans' clan—
 Lest chocolate, though, should all be stopped, I sneaked
 A mousse to Ron when Nancy left for hours ...
 Not stinting at receptions, I found six
 Desserts are what an average guest devours.
 My tools of trade—a most eclectic mix
 Encompassing a tire gauge, ice pick and
 Steel hanger—might be primitive, yet my
 Nutritional spectaculars were grand ...
 I'd swap them, though, for plain old apple pie—
 Empowered as a pastry, I would be
 Reborn a big, fat doughnut, filled with me.

 (First published on 12th September, 2022 in
  Oddball Magazine. Story here)
 Piddling Matter

 Position Number One's where goalies play
 In soccer. Here you needn't sweat too much,
 Defending, if the action's far away,
 Down by the goal of your opponents. Such
 Long hours of doing little make you bored.
 Intent on killing time, you rehydrate,
 Not noticing how fast your water gourd
 Gets drained until your urge to urinate
 Makes this no piddling matter, though it is,
 And forces you to find a hedge at which
 To point away from thorns and have a whizz
 The ref can't see, until opponents snitch,
 Ejecting you from play—the man in goal
 Red-carded doing Number One, your role!

 (First published in Light on 12th September, 2022 as
  one of the Poems of the Week. Story here)
  King Charles III

  King Charles the Third was overheard to say
 "I cannot bear this bloody thing!" His pen
  Nib had discharged a curt communiqué:
  God damn it, Charles, your date is wrong again!
  Charles couldn't read this bulletin. Although
  He understands his potted plants, when inks
  Admonish him, he doesn't seem to know
  Resentment builds if he blabs what he thinks.
  Lamenting with "Oh, God. I hate this!" would
  Exacerbate his plight: an inky blob
  Sprayed over him. Poor Charles did not look good.
  In vain, he tried to do a wiping job ...
  Ink had its partner's honour to protect.
  It warned His Nibs: his nibs deserve respect!

  (First published on 30th January, 2023 in the
  Creativity Webzine. Story here)
 I Think It, So It Is

 If I'm the POTUS, trust me, I decide:
 There doesn't have to be a process to
 Have secret documents declassified
 If I have thought it's what I want to do.
 Negotiations with the DOJ
 Keep dragging on, but what are my misdeeds
 If I haul White House documents away
 To Mar-a-Lago? Presidential needs
 Supplant top-secret status when my take
 On it is known ... By telepathic waves
 Imparted through the Trumposphere, I make
 The Prez the one who never misbehaves ...
 I think it, so it is, and had to be—
 So Jan the 6th should not be blamed on me!

 (First published on 3rd October, 2022 in
  Oddball Magazine. Story here)
  Why Didn't You Say?

 "Why didn't you say au revoir before
  Hightailing it and leaving me to pine?
  You didn't even tweet me—though you swore,
  Devotedly, you'd be forever mine.
  I'm made to look a proper turkey now,
  Displayed inside a cage as Emma walks,
  Not able to disguise my furrowed brow
  To hide its grief—instead, all Yorkshire gawks."

 "You lovesick feather-brain, you should have flown
  Off too. Forget old Emma, who just ties
  Us down, and flee—she won't be on her own,
  She'll buy new cockatiels to patronize.
  And think before you chicken out again,
  You—faint-heart cock has never won fair hen!"

  (First published in Light on 3rd October, 2022 as
  one of the Poems of the Week. Story here)
 Liz The Terrible

 Liz Truss is Brits' prime minister du jour.
 Inquiry's overrated in her book.
 Zetetic minds were offered Liz's cure—
 The Trussonomic leap before you look.
 How Kwasi's top-rate tax cut tanked the pound
 Escaped her, since she didn't do the sums
 That would have shown her growth plan was unsound—
 Except for Liz The Terrible's rich chums.
 Research on trickle-down had long debunked
 R. Reagan's fantasy. Though not for Liz.
 In Economics One-Oh-One, she flunked,
 Believing if you just say growth, growth is ...
 Liz did not last: her hare-brained stratagem
 Exemplified how not to be PM!

 (First published in the New Verse News on
  19th October, 2022. Story here)

Earlier Topical Acrostic Sonnets

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