Yvonne and Niklas Manz

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Yvonne and Niklas started dancing International style ballroom (Standard and Latin American) as teenagers in Germany. They have been dancing as a couple in standard competitions since 1993, but have specialized in formation team dancing (eight couples on the floor dancing a six-minute choreography including the five standard dances with synchronized movements in different, changing patterns). With their team of the Braunschweiger Tanz-Sport-Club they became German national champions four times. As members of the German national team they competed from 1995 until 2002 in 13 European and world championships, where they placed 12 times including two European titles. The highlight was winning the World Championship title in 2000. With the team they performed in shows all over Europe, the USA, China, and Australia. After Yvonne finished her MA in economics and business management and Niklas his Ph.D. in physics, he got a two-year scholarship to do research in the Chemistry Department at the Florida State University. Currently they are learning American style Smooth and Rhythm (where else in the world can you learn this?) and Irish dance, since joining the Tallahassee Irish Step Dancers in August 2003.

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