Groups, Rings, and Vector Spaces II: Topics list

INSTRUCTOR: Ettore Aldrovandi

Topics & Pacing

The following is a rough list of arguments covered in class.

Suggested homework problems have been moved to the Homework page.

Apr. 2
Submodules of free modules. Classification of modules over a PID (statement).
Mar. 30
Koszul complexes (from the problems). Submodules of free modules over a PID.
Mar. 28
Resolutions. Presentations and cokernels via matrices.
Mar. 26
Torsion and torsion-free modules. Finite generation and presentation.
Mar. 23
Euler characteristic and the Grothendieck group.
Mar. 21
Proof that A with entries in a commutative ring is invertible if and only if det A is a unit. Cramer's rule. Row and column spaces, rank and nullity.
Mar. 19
Determinants. Proof that A with entries in a field is invertible if and only if det A is nonzero. Cofactors and adjoint matrix.
Mar. 16
  • Gaussian elimination over Euclidean Domains. Smith normal form.
  • Linear systems.
Mar. 14
Equivalence of matrices. Elementary operations and Gaussian elimination over fields.
Mar. 12
Homomorphisms of free modules. Matrices. Change of basis.
Mar. 2
Vector spaces. Rank and dimension.
Feb. 29
Free modules. Linear independence and bases.
Homework: VI.1: #1, 2, 4, 6.
Feb. 27
Chinese Remainder Theorem. Gaussian integers.
Homework: V.6: #1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 17.
Feb. 24
Irreducibility in Q, R, and C. Eisenstein's criterion.
Homework: V.5: #4, 6, 11, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.
Feb. 22
Reducibility and roots. Field extensions and adding roots. Algebraically closed fields.
Feb. 20
Localization. Local rings
Homework: Problems in V.4.
Feb. 17
Midterm 1
Feb. 15
Feb. 13
Feb. 10
Fields of fractions. R UFD => R[x] UFD.
Homework: V.4: #6, 7-12 (also in class), 15, 16, 17, 22.
Feb. 8
Primitivity and content. Fields of fractions.
Feb. 6
  • Posets. Zorn's Lemma. Homework: V.3: #13, 14.
  • Valuations. Euclidean domain => PID. Euclidean Algorithm.
    Homework: V.2: #12, 14--21.
Feb. 3
Characterizations of UFDs. PID => UFD.
Homework: V.2: #4, 6, 7, 9, 11.
Feb. 1
Divisors and gcd in integral domains. Multisets of irreducible factors.
Jan. 30
Primes and irreducibles. Factorization, UFDs.
Homework: V.1: #14, 17.
Jan. 27
Jan. 25
Noetherian rings. Hilbert's basis theorem.
Homework: V.1: #2, 5, 7, 8.
Jan. 23
Classification theorem of finite abelian group. Elementary divisors. Invariant factors.
Homework: IV.6: #1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14.
Jan. 20
Semidirect products.
Homework: IV.5: #1 (see IV.3.10), 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15.
Jan. 18
  • Short exact sequences of groups. Splittings.
  • Simplicity of An, finished.
Jan. 16
No class: MLK Day
Jan. 13
Conjugacy classes in Sn and An. Simplicity of An, non-solvability of Sn.
Homework: IV.4: #6, 7, 9, 12, 17.
Jan. 11
Conjugacy classes and types. Even and odd permutations. Transpositions. Alternating groups.
Jan. 9
  • Symmetric groups. Cycles. Partitions. Types. Young diagrams.
    Homework: IV.4: #3, 4.
  • Solvability (finished)
Jan. 6
Composition factors, Schreier Theorem. Solvability.
Homework: IV.3: #2, 4, 13, 15.
Jan. 4
Normal and composition series. Jordan-Hoelder Theorem.

$Fri Mar 30 14:28:07 EDT 2012$