Abstract Algebra I (Groups, Rings, and Vector Spaces III): Topics list

INSTRUCTOR: Ettore Aldrovandi

Topics & Pacing

The following is a rough list of arguments covered in class.

Sep 17
Normal and splitting fields: Definitions and examples.
Sep 14
Proof that the fields of constructible numbers are extensions of Q of degree a power of 2; some geometric impossibilities.
Sep 12
Constructions with straightedge and compass: constructible elements in R and C.
Sep 10
Proof of the Nullstellensatz.
Sep 7
Maximal ideals in k[x1,...,xn]. Affine space. Algebraic sets, Zariski topology. Radical ideals.
Sep 5
Uniqueness of the algebraic closure. Nullstellensatz: For a field k finite type implies finite.
Aug 31
Artin's construction of the algebraic closure of a field.
Aug 19
Review of Field Extensions (sect. VII. 1) and computations of simple extensions.
Aug 27
Review of Field Extensions (sect. VII. 1)

$Wed Sep 19 01:17:27 EDT 2012$