A limited-memory Riemannian symmetric rank-one trust-region method with an efficient algorithm for its subproblem


Wen Huang*, Kyle A. Gallivan


Limited-memory versions of quasi-Newton methods are efficient methods for largescale optimization problems in the Euclidean space. In particular, a quasi-Newton symmetric rank-one update used in a trust-region setting has proven to be an effective method. In this paper, we present a Riemannian version of a limited-memory symmetric rank-one trust-region method with an efficient algorithm for solving its subproblem. Global convergence is shown to follow from a known standard result and numerical experiments are compare the proposed method with other Riemannian optimization methods.

Key words

Riemannian Optimization; limited-memory quasi-Newton; trust-region; Symmetric rank-one;


Accepted in Proceeding of The 24st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems.


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