Suppose that it costs $480 to build a rectangular wooden deck that measures 6 feet by 8 feet. Assuming that the cost of such an object depends upon its size (area), how much would it cost to build a similar deck measuring 18 feet by 24 feet?

A. $640

B. $1440

C. $1,920

D. $4,320



It is useful, in a problem involving two similar geometric figures, to compare their sizes via division. In this case we will divide the size (area) of the larger rectangle by the size of the smaller rectangle.
Size of larger deck = LW = (18 feet)(24 feet) = 432 square feet.
Size of larger deck = LW = (6 feet)(8 feet) = 48 square feet.
Now, divide: (area of larger deck)/(area of smaller deck)
= 432/48
= 9
This means that the larger deck is nine times as large as the smaller deck, so it will cost nine times as much, so
Cost of larger deck = 9($480) = $4320.

There are other ways to arrive at this correct answer, such as by forming a proportion and solving for the unknown quantity. Any correct apporach, however, will take into account all three of these considerations:
1. The area of the larger deck.
2. The area of the smaller deck.
3. The fact that the smaller deck costs $480.

What follows is an alternative solution to this problem.

Since the cost of one of these rectangular objects depends upon its area, we can use the fact that a 6 by 8 foot deck costs $480 to find the cost per square foot of one of these decks. Then we will use the cost per square foot to find the cost of the 18 by 24 foot deck.

To find "cost per square foot" we divide cost by square feet.

The are4a of the 6 by 8 foot deck is

(6 feet)(8 feet) = 48 square feet, so

The area of the larger deck is:

(18 feet)(24 feet) = 432 sq. ft, so the cost is

(432 sq. ft.)($10 per sq. ft.) = $4,320