Mathematics - Florida State University
208 Love Building  Tallahassee, FL  32306-4510  Phone: (850) 644-2202  Fax: (850) 644-4053
Bryant's Colloquium



Speaker: John Bryant.
Title: From Wild Embeddings to Exotic Spaces.
Affiliation: Florida State University.
Date: Friday, 11 April 2003.
Place and Time: Room 101 - Love Building, 3:35-4:30 pm.
Reception: Room 204 - Love Building, 4:35 pm.

Abstract. In this talk I will outline some of the main features of my mathematical research. Although not at all obvious to me at the outset, various manifestations of simple connectivity turn out to be an important thread that runs through most of my work. We will discuss the role of simple connectivity in characterizing ``tame'' embeddings of one space into another and in the characterization of topological manifolds.


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Last modified: Tuesday March 18th, 2003