Mathematics - Florida State University
208 Love Building  Tallahasssee, FL  32306-4510  Phone: (850) 644-2202  Fax: (850) 644-4053

Mathematics Honors Day



Friday, April 12, 2002 - 101 Love Building

Invited Address

Speaker: David B. Humphrey
Affiliation: Florida State University
Title: Production Functions

Abstract. A brief survey of how economists developed and currently use production and cost functions to: (a) determine the distribution of income to labor versus owners of capital; (b) assess the ability of firms to adjust to changes in input prices (e.g., via unions or OPEC); (c) measure economies from large scale operations; (d) identify the sources of economic growth; (e) assess the benefits of mergers; and (f) rank firms by their frontier cost efficiency (i.e., benchmarking).
Awards and Honors
  Dwight B. Goodner Awards
  CIGNA Scholars
  Kenneth G. Boback Award
  Pi Mu Epsilon Induction of New Members
  204-B LOV following the program.


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Last modified: Tuesday April 9th, 2002