106 LOV
MTWRF 9:30am - 10:50am

MAA 4402-01 / MAT 5932-02 / MAT 5933-13
Complex Variables
Summer 2007 - Course Syllabus
Dr. Monica K. Hurdal
002-A Love Building
Office Hours:
MTW 11:00am - noon
R 11:00am - 11:30am
or by appointment

Instructor Dr. Monica K. Hurdal
Contact me Office: 002-A Love Building
Phone: 644-7183 (office); 644-2202 (dept. front desk)
Email: mhurdal@math.fsu.edu
Webpage: http://www.math.fsu.edu/~mhurdal/
Office hours MTW 11:00am - noon, R 11:00-11:30am, or by appointment.
Eligibility /
You must have passed MAC 2313 (Calculus III) with a grade of C- or better. It is the student's responsibility to check and prove eligibility.
Text J.W. Brown and R.V. Churchill, Complex Variables and Applications, 7th edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., NY, 2004.
Course Content This course covers chapters 1-7 from the text.
This purpose of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts of calculus over the complex numbers. Topics include complex differentiation and integration, Cauchy's theorem, application's of the Residue theorem and conformal mapping. The course objectives are:
- The student will be able to solve mathematical problems in the field of complex variables.
- The student will be able to give examples of where the field of complex variables is applied and used.
- The student will be able to list examples of where mathematics is used around them and how mathematics can be useful.
- The student will be to demonstrate well written mathematical solutions through the practice of writing and presenting mathematical solutions. It is not only important to be able to do mathematics, but you also need to be able to convey your results to others.
Courtesy I expect you to get to class on time and not to leave class until I have dismissed it. If you must leave class early, please let me know before class begins. Please turn off cell phones when in class.
Attendance I expect you to attend class regularly. Studies show that students who attend class get higher grades than those who skip classes. A student absent from class bears the full responsibility for all subject matter and procedural information discussed in class. Attendance will be a factor in determining the final grade.
I expect you to attend class regularly. Studies show that students who attend class get higher grades than those who skip classes. A student absent from class bears the full responsibility for all subject matter and procedural information discussed in class. Class participation will be a factor in determining the final grade.
Grading There will be 3 tests, each worth 25% of the final grade. There will be 3 quizzes, each worth 5% of the final grade. Homework and class participation will determine the final 10% of your grade. Letter grades will be determined from numerical grades as follows: A: 90-100; B: 80-89; C: 70-79; D: 60-69; F: 0-59. Plus or minus grades may be assigned in a manner consistent with standard University practice. A grade of I will not be given to avoid a grade of F or to give additional study time. Failure to process a course drop will result in a course grade of F. For MAT 5933 (graded S/U), letter grades will be determined from numerical grades as follows: S: 75-100; U: 0- 75.
Exam Policy Makeup tests or quizzes will not be given. Late homework will not be accepted. A missed test, quiz or homework assignment may be excused if the student presents sufficient verifiable evidence of acceptable extenuating circumstances. If a test or quiz absence is excused, then the next respective test or quiz will be used for the missing test grade. If a homework assignment is excused, then the missing grade will not be included when calculating the final grade. An unexcused absence from a test, quiz or homework assignment will result in a grade of zero. Absences from tests, quizzes or homework due to family social events will not be excused. Acceptable medical excuses must state explicitly that the student should be excused from class. Students must bring FSU ID cards to all tests.
Quiz and
Test Dates
Tentative quiz dates:
Quiz 1 .................................................. Friday June 29
Quiz 2 .................................................. Friday July 13
Quiz 3 .................................................. Friday July 27
Tentative test dates:
Test 1 .................................................. Friday July 6
Test 2 .................................................. Friday July 20
Test 3 .................................................. Friday August 3
Homework Homework assignments will be given in class and will be listed on the course web page. Every Wednesday and Thursday students will present assigned homework problems from Monday and Tuesday. Please organize your homework in a notebook which may be collected. Other assigned individual or group homework may be collected for grading. All students are expected to have done (at a minimum) the assigned homework as we will spend time in class discussing some of the homework. Students are encouraged to work problems not specifically assigned.
Homework Guidelines All homework must be your own work, written in clear English on standard 8.5 by 11 inch paper. Submitted homework must be stapled, otherwise it will not be accepted. Students are encouraged to discuss and work on problems with other students or discuss the problems with the professor. The final solutions need to be uniquely yours and not obtained by copying from another solution.
Honor Code A copy of the University Academic Honor Code can be found in the current Student Handbook. You are bound by this in all of your academic work. It is based on the premise that each student has the responsibility 1) to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity in the student's own work, 2) to refuse to tolerate violations of academic integrity in the University community, and 3) to foster a high sense of integrity and social responsibility on the part of the University community. Specifically, incidents of plagiarism of any type or referring to any unauthorized material during examinations will be rigorously pursued. Before submitting any work for this class, please read the "Academic Honor System" in its entirety (as found in the FSU General Bulletin and in the FSU Student Handbook and ask me to clarify any of its expectations that you do not understand. You have successfully completed many mathematics courses and know that on a "test" you may not give or receive any help from a person or written material except as specifically designed acceptable. Out of class you are encouraged to work together on assignments but plagiarizing the work of others or study manuals is academically dishonest.
ADA Statement Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should: 1) register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC); 2) bring a letter to the instructor from SDRC indicating you need academic accommodations. This should be done within the first week of class. This and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request.

Copyright 2007 by Monica K. Hurdal. All rights reserved.