5th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Sydney, Australia
July 7-11, 2003

Mini-Symposium on Mathematics in Medicine

ICM 12 T-09
Thursday July 10, 2003

From brain mapping to cell migration, mathematics is being used in a variety of medical applications to provide insight and information. Applied mathematics techniques, such as ODEs and PDEs are widely used, but theoretical approaches, such as topology and functional analysis are also being used to study and model biomedical events. This minisymposium brings together speakers from a variety of mathematical disciplines who are working on medical problems. Research areas in brain mapping, cell sorting and migration, DNA and molecular biology will be presented using diverse techniques including computational geometry, complex analysis, topology and applied mathematics.

Organizer: Monica Hurdal
Florida State University

Mapping the Human Brain with Quasi-Conformal Maps
Monica K. Hurdal, Florida State University, USA

Discrete Conformal Geometry in Science and Medicine
Ken Stephenson, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

The Topology of DNA
De Witt L. Sumners, Florida State University, USA

Cell Sorting and Migration
Graeme Pettet, Queensland University of Technology

Copyright 2003 by Monica K. Hurdal. All rights reserved.