Applied Mathematics, Inc.
Gales Ferry, CT
March 12, 2001

Computing Maps of the Human Brain

Monica K. Hurdal
Department of Mathematics, Florida State University and
Visiting Researcher, Center for Imaging Science, Johns Hopkins University

The surface of the human brain is topologically equivalent to a sheet that has many folds that vary in their size, shape and extent across individuals. This variability makes it difficult to compare similarities and differences in the functional processing of the brain between subjects. As a result, there is great interest in trying to "unfold" and flatten the cortical surface so that the entire surface of the brain can be visualized. I will discuss a method that uses an area of mathematics called circle packings to produce maps of the cortical surface that are approximations to the conformal (angle-preserving) map. I will present examples of these maps and discuss some of the topological and computational difficulties that arise.

Updated March 2001.
Copyright 2001 by Monica K. Hurdal. All rights reserved.