Ph.D. Thesis by Monica K. Hurdal
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In September 1998 I completed my Ph.D. at the
School of Mathematical Sciences at
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in
Brisbane, Australia. Australia has a Ph.D. defense process that is more
involved than in the United Stated. My thesis, titled
and Computer Modelling of the Human Brain
With Reference to Cortical Magnification and
Dipole Source Localisation in the Visual Cortex, was
examined/reviewed by a University committee and I had to defend it orally with
a presentation and questions by the public and the University
committee (similar to the process in the United States). Additionally, in Australia, a Ph.D. thesis is also reviewed/examined by an international committee of
three external reviewers outside of the University, a process that typically
takes 3-6 months. After successfully
defending my thesis to the QUT committee in September 1998, my thesis was
then examined by one reviewer from the United Kingdom,
one from the United States, and one from Australia.
I was awarded the degree Doctor of Philosphy (in Applied Mathematics) in
February 1999 and my graduation ceremony was in May 1999.
For more information regarding my Ph.D. dissertation, please
read the
Abstract or view some of the
Computer Animations which Supplement the Research in my Ph.D. Thesis. Please contact me if you would like a copy of my thesis.
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of the Human Brain
With Reference to Cortical Magnification and
Dipole Source Localisation in the Visual Cortex
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view computer animations related to this thesis.
Thesis Title Page
Thesis Abstract
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for information on how to contact the author of this thesis, or how to obtain a copy of this thesis.
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Copyright 1998 by Monica K. Hurdal. All rights reserved.