Topical Acrostic Sonnets

 Don't Pet Our Kiwi!

 Dear Florida, if you ban classic nudes,
 Or poems by Amanda Gorman, or
 Non-binary identities, or dudes
 That do say gay, or textbooks that explore
 Pangender issues, we'll deplore you, yet
 Exotic diehard anti-wokeness lacks
 True urgency down under ... But, don't pet
 Our kiwi, or you're bound to get our backs
 Up rapidly! Our kiwi is a shy,
 Retiring bird. Did no one at your zoo
 Know it's nocturnal? Shouldn't that imply
 It can't be brightly lit on public view
 While getting pawed? So let it just retire
 In darkness—or you'll feel New Zealand's ire!

 (First published on 5th June, 2023 in
  Oddball Magazine. Story here)
 Out For The Count

 On Cooper's Hill in Gloucestershire, each year,
 Unbalanced individuals converge
 To chase a giant cheese downhill. Their sheer
 Fell swoop obeys the death-defying urge
 Of true Dutch courage proffered by a pub's
 Refreshments in the hours before the race ...
 This year, BC's Delaney Irving stubs
 Her toe while trailing back in second place,
 Escapes from contact with the ground, takes flight,
 Clears several metres, lands again and rolls
 On down to take the lead and win—all quite
 Unconsciously ... This kamikaze soul's
 Nerve-jangling plunge shows how you can amount
 To something when you're knocked out for the count!

 (Prompted by this article and first published in the
  Fall-Winter 2023 issue of Rat's Ass Review)
 Colonel's Review

 Clothes worn by British guardsmen on parade
 On torrid days are not as they should be:
 Loose-fitting, light and white. Tight tunics made
 Of scarlet wool, whose collars guarantee
 Necks feel constricted; tall black bearskin caps,
 Extending to the sky; and black wool slacks,
 Leave little scope for you to not collapse,
 Should you be on trombone when temps reach max ...
 Regardless, once your fainting fit has gone,
 Expect to get yourself back on your feet,
 Vow not to faint again, and carry on—
 It's what Brits do ... But if you yield to heat
 Exhaustion, rest assured, the way you played
 Would fit you for a passing out parade!

 (First published in the Fall 2023 issue of
  WestWard Quarterly. Story here)
 No Kid—No Kidding

 No kid—no kidding—comes in here to eat
 Or drink: this restaurant's a kid-free zone.
 Korean grown-ups like a safe retreat
 In which a scroll through menus on a phone
 Does not mean it or they or someone's kid
 Needs tech support or medics' expertise
 On being scalded by hot broth amid
 Kids on the loose and doing as they please ...
 If you're the parent, do your duty, heed
 Demographers—Korea's rate of birth
 Dropped far too low. Go home again and breed!
 If you're the kid, work hard for all you're worth—
 No shirking duty dining out, or old
 Gray diners' pension funds will fail to hold!

 (First published on 10th July, 2023 in
  Oddball Magazine. Story here)
 The Mickey Mural

 The Immigration chief on Team UK
 Has ordered: Whitewash walls—kids shouldn't be
 Encouraged to feel welcome here if they
 Migrated in small boats across the sea.
 In Dover, staff demurred at playing ball.
 Cartoons of Mickey Mouse and bear Baloo—
 Kind gestures in a mural on a wall—
 Extended caring hands of friendship to
 Young kids, alone. But now those pictures are
 Misguidedly effaced. What art will go
 Up in their place? Cruella? Scar? Jafar? ...
 Right minds must feel embarrassed, since they know
 An action that's appalling and absurd
 Lets Britain down—and no child is deterred.

 (First published in the New Verse News on
  12th July, 2023. Story here)
 Twitter Laid An X?

 The bird that was in Elon's hand, although
 Worth two in any bush, is X-iled from
 Its nest at Twitter. Doesn't Elon know
 There's no good word for tweets on
 They can't be t-X-ts. It's way too dull. If he
 Elects to call them Xes, as he said,
 Retweets would be re-Xes, sure to be
 Less trendy—did he just not think ahead?
 A man who buys a valued brand and wrecks
 It, and is coy about his game plan, may
 Deliver: he says Twitter laid an X,
 An app for every thing you do each day ...
 No, I don't buy it. Pull the other leg—
 X marks the spot where Elon laid an egg!

 (First published on 7th August, 2023 in
  Oddball Magazine. Story here and here)

Earlier Topical Acrostic Sonnets

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