Topical Acrostic Sonnets

 Darren Harrison

 Despite no background flying airplanes, I
 Am now this Cessna's pilot, so I should
 Report its plight is serious, and try
 Relanding it—in Florida, touch wood ...
 Excuse me? Roger? No, it's Darren here,
 Negotiating nosedives. This machine
 Has no beginner's guide on how to steer
 And steady, while the navigation screen
 Refuses to switch on, so I've no clue
 Regarding my position, though I know
 I have the coast of Florida in view—
 Should I pull here, or push the knob below? ...
 On solid ground at last. No further hitch.
 Now I must turn this thing off ... Where's the switch?

 (First published in Light on 16th May, 2022 as
  one of the Poems of the Week. Story here)
 It Takes The Cake

 If you're a climate activist, you've vowed
 To think of Earth—whose dairy cows stand by
 To fart a global-warming methane cloud—
 And you protest, by hurling your cream pie,
 Kept hidden in your wheelchair till you can
 Eject it at the Mona Lisa's gaze? ...
 Suppose, though, you're an artist with a plan
 To root for abstract art to have some praise
 Heaped on it—so, to teach the public, you'd
 Explain your own technique? Which theory best
 Corroborates the facts, when some French dude
 Appears in drag to cream Leonardo's guest? —
 Know what I think? It's neither. It's about
 Exhibiting fake hair—and wigging out!

 (First published on 5th July, 2022 in
  Oddball Magazine. Story here)
 A Monarch's Purse

 A queen—whose servants serve to satisfy
 Ma'am's every whim—need never carry cash
 Or Kleenex: Though there's nothing she can't buy,
 No subject asks for cash, it lacks panache,
 And even if queens blew their noses, and
 Reportedly they don't, a footman would
 Come leaping with a hanky in his hand ...
 Her Majesty, we long have understood,
 Scarce needs her purse, but brings it nonetheless,
 Perplexing us for decades. What is holed
 Up in it? Gin? The Racing Post? Each guess
 Remained just that. But now the secret's told:
 She hides a royal sandwich—freshly made
 Elizabethan bread and marmalade!

 (First published in Light on 13th June, 2022 as
  one of the Poems of the Week. Story here)
 I'm Disappointed

 I'm disappointed your account was not
 Made fuller, and affronted that you would
 Deliberately breach the Code. And what
 Is more, that "miscommunication" should
 Suggest I somehow was to blame that you
 Avoided learning my concerns in full,
 Prime Minister, is something that I rue ...
 Permit me to translate: You're full of bull,
 Old bean, I'm at my tether's end. You're just
 Impossible. You're so mendacious, sly,
 Nefarious, corrupt and void of trust
 That I was dumb to be your ethics guy.
 Exasperated, I resign—and can
 Delight that I'm a dis-appointed man!

 (First published in Light on 20th June, 2022 as
  one of the Poems of the Week. Story here and here)
 A Grilled Rabbit

 A rabbit on a grassy highway plans
 Grand feasts—not being severed from its ma,
 Released with just a carrot in some man's
 Idea of a wooded Shangri-La
 Long after jamming through his grille and hence
 Left bloody-nosed within a distant strange
 Environment. So when this man sees sense,
 Decides the rabbit needs its old home range,
 Retrieves a box—like one some poachers use—
 And tries recapture, there is no surprise:
 Believing it is destined to make stews,
 Before the man can pounce, the rabbit flies ...
 If you got grilled but didn't cook your goose,
 Then you don't trust the griller—you vamoose!

 (First published in Light on 27th June, 2022 as
  one of the Poems of the Week. Story here)
 Panicking Putin

 Plump Russian soldiers who are long retired
 And drink a quart of vodka every day
 Now may, by Putin's order, be required—
 In huge fatigues—to head back to the fray.
 Commanders of the Russians in Ukraine
 Keep getting killed, or proving that they are
 Inept, and getting fired from Vlad's campaign—
 Neurotic panic seems to grip this tsar.
 Girth once considered far too large to fight
 Protrudes from General Pavel to afford
 Ukrainians an easy target site
 That Putin surely couldn't have ignored
 In drafting him. What gives? ... This guy will show
 No stomach for the fight when told to go!

 (First published in Light on 4th July, 2022 as
  one of the Poems of the Week. Story here)

Earlier Topical Acrostic Sonnets

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