Topical Acrostic Sonnets


 The doorbell rings. You answer it. Who's there?
 Red Riding Hood? The Big Bad wolf? No, no—
 It's neighbors' kids who hope a friendly scare
 Can fill their bags with chocolate to go!
 Keep loads and loads of candy by your door—
 Or you may short an Alice or March Hare,
 Rapunzel, Robin Hood, a Dumbledore,
 Tyrannosaurus Rex, or Smokey Bear! ...
 Remember when you wondered if you'd got
 Enough supplies to last for Halloween,
 And so you bought another giant lot?
 That meant too much—the kids have now all been! ...
 Excess amounts of candy on a shelf
 Remain for you to eat tonight yourself!

 (First published on October 30, 2020 in the
  Creativity Webzine)
 Mirror In The Loo

 Marie, Marie, before you lost your head,
 In me you looked to see your pretty face.
 Resentment of the Bourbons had not spread.
 Republicans had not yet smeared your grace ...
 One day you said to me: "Dear Mirror, pray,
 Reveal to me why lies breed like a fly.
 I never said, 'Let them eat cake.' No way!
 No diamond necklace did I ever buy!" ...
 Too late I warned: The tumbril's on its way.
 Heads roll each day beneath the guillotine.
 Escape while you still can! ... But let me say—
 Lest you get caught—You'll always be my queen! ...
 Old mirrors are well known not to disown:
 Oh, how you're honored still beside this throne!

 (Prompted by this article and first published in Light on
  November 9, 2020 as one of the Poems of the Week)
 On Bonfire Night

 October is the month we make a heap,
 Not only of dead wood that trees have shed,
 But also of the junk we cannot keep:
 Old clutter that throughout the house has spread,
 Now neither ornament, nor fit to use.
 For on November Fifth, a bonfire bash
 Is by tradition when we light a fuse,
 Reducing old embarrassments to ash ...
 Each man of straw sits right on top for show.
 No villain is too old for any year:
 It may be some quite recent scoundrel, though
 Guy Fawkes may still get disrespected here ...
 However long the flames remain alight,
 They feed catharsis on our Bonfire Night!

 (First published in the December 2020 issue of Lighten Up
as a winning entry to Competition 51: Autumnale)
 O, Donny, Donny Boy!

 O, Donny Boy, it's golf—you still can win!
 Dang Biden is already on the green,
 One putt away from Prez. But don't give in.
 Now comes the time for sneakiness unseen:
 Nab Biden's ball while he is on the phone.
 Yes, toss it way far back. The rough will do.
 Don't let him see you substitute your own.
 Once that is done you're in the lead, aren't you? ...
 No dice! Hole watchers saw. They stood too near!
 Now you demand an extra eighteen holes.
 You want a judge to wipe your scorecard clear ...
 But there's no law on mulligans for polls.
 O Donny, Donny Boy, 'tis you must lose:
 Your ouster has been called. You're now fake news!

 (First published in Light on November 16, 2020 as one
  of the Poems of the Week)
 Webster and Wang

 We differ but we seem to be the same:
 Each one's a Murphy, Emily as well.
 But if, in full, you write the middle name,
 Such sameness is so easy to dispel ...
 Though if a W is all you see,
 Especially if photos aren't supplied,
 Regrettably, you think that I am she
 And send me pens, and though I'm on your side,
 No power to use pens at GSA
 Do I yet have. But if pens come in tens,
 Would you please send, not Bics, but Cartier
 Authentic gold and diamond fountain pens? ...
 No help to Joe's transition could I be—
 Gold would, however, help transition me!

 (Prompted by this article and first published in Light on
  November 23, 2020 as one of the Poems of the Week)
 At Thanksgiving

 A table set for two still says Thank You.
 The places that aren't set say so much more:
 There's never been Thanksgiving when so few
 Have gathered here at home---not once before!
 Across the Pond, our family FaceTime in.
 Now we can share a meal, though far away.
 Kind words are still exchanged with closest kin.
 Still pumpkin pie's the special for the day ...
 Guest rooms remain unfilled, though, for this year.
 In lockdown, we must share thanks from afar:
 Virologists advise to not be near.
 In truth, we're glad things aren't worse than they are ...
 Now we just hope that we, next year, can all
 Give thanks around one table in the Fall!

 (First published on November 30, 2020 in the
  Creativity Webzine)

Earlier Topical Acrostic Sonnets

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