Acrostic Sonnets


 When you're alone and walking through the trees,
 Anxieties and worries fade away.
 Leaves fluttering in springtime's gentle breeze
 Disturb no creature's thoughts. And if you stray
 Entirely off the beaten path, you know
 It's safe to chill inside your green cocoon.
 No city dangers threaten where you go.
 Street noises are displaced by nature's tune.
 And when the light grows dim, and you are drawn
 Meanderingly to the EXIT word,
 KEEP OFF THE GRASS signs by your city lawn
 Erupt into your thoughts, and seem absurd! ...
 Inside the forest, far from city sounds,
 Tranquillity in solitude abounds.

 (First published on March 25, 2021 in
  Autumn Sky Poetry Daily)
  Trombone Player

  The Dorsey stamp shows Tommy on trombone,
  Rejoicing to his sentimental sound
  Of swing, with Jimmy on the saxophone—
  Musicians whose great hits were world renowned!
  Big bands had never seen such skilled trombone:
  Ol' Blue Eyes said he learned to breathe his way,
  Not from a vocal coach, but from his own
  Experience of watching Tommy play! ...
  Perhaps, since Tommy's timeless, he belongs
  Less on a thirty-two cent stamp than where
  A stamp commemorates his classic songs,
  Yet also says they'll always fill the air ...
  Eternal tunes deserve this mail revamp:
  Releasing Tommy's own Forever stamp!

  (Prompted by a 1996 US commemorative stamp and first
   published in the Creativity Webzine on March 31, 2021)
  The Arrow Of Time

  The arrow maker's expert at his craft.
  His jasper points are honed with perfect skill,
  Each fastened with precision to its shaft—
  And when they fly, their flights bend to his will ...
  Reflecting on his daughter's changing role,
  Resignedly he grasps she too must fly:
  Of time, the arrow's not his to control,
  When any day a stranger might walk by ...
  Once Hiawatha comes, this father knows
  Fond days with Minnehaha soon will end—
  Time's arrow is the one that never slows:
  Its flight to Minnehaha's will must bend
  Most surely, bringing sadness to the day
  Events propel this daughter far away.

  (Prompted by Edmonia Lewis's The Old Arrow Maker
   and first published in the Ekphrastic Review on April
   23, 2021 as a Challenge Response)
 Flies On The Wall

 For Ginger Rogers and for Fred Astaire,
 Love may have been for real, or just on-set—
 In movies they had many an affair,
 Enchanting with their dancing etiquette ...
 Such chemistry made rumors coalesce.
 On-screen entwinement made their fans surmise:
 No screen romance could seem so real unless
 Their love was real—and so fans hired two flies.
 How well these spies both hid from whom they tailed!
 Each eavesdropped on a dressing room backstage.
 Would Fred and Ginger's passion be unveiled?
 Alternatively, would they not engage? ...
 Luck blessed not fans. Fred swatted down both flies—
 Long afterwards, we still can but surmise!

 (First published on April 29, 2021 in the
  Creativity Webzine)
  Paddington Bear

  Police at Paddington looked sore afraid.
  A foreign bear on Platform 1 now stood,
  Devouring three whole jars of marmalade.
  Detectives warned: "He's up to nothing good—
  In dark Peru bears run a drugs cartel.
  Neat cannabis gets sold as breakfast food.
  Gelatinous preserves disguise the smell
  Too much for British Customs—let's intrude!"
 "Oh, no!" cried Mrs. Brown, "you're wrong! For shame!
  New Scotland Yard can't think this Christian bear
  Believes in drugs! We'll vouch for his good name!"
 "Exactly," Mr. Brown agreed, "fair's fair!" ...
  And so it was, these upright bourgeois folk
  Remained supplied for life with dope to smoke!

  (First published on May 13, 2021 in the Washington Post)
  Tortoise Or Hare?

  The race was on. Hare bragged: "I'm in in the lead!
  Old Tortoise won't catch me with his slow pace!" ...
  Rash Hare would soon learn how slow beasts succeed—
  The tortoise made the route plan for this race! ...
 "Oi! Big Ears! Stop!" bawled out a cop, "your speed
  Is twice the legal limit for this road!
  Since, for each mile an hour that you exceed
  Eight miles an hour, our government is owed
  One ounce of gold, you owe a whole two pounds—
  Remit it here and now, or go to jail!" ...
  Hare had no gold. He'd been outraced. "It sounds
  As though," said he, "this route's designed to fail
  Rapidity. Too slow of wit, I'm done!" ...
  Embarrassedly, he watched as Tortoise won!

  (First published on May 31, 2021 in the
   Creativity Webzine)

Earlier Acrostic Sonnets

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