MAS4303 --- Introduction to Abstract Algebra II --- Spring 2017
- Time and place: Love Building room 106, MWF: 1:25 - 2:15.
- Text: ``Abstract Algebra -- An Introduction'', T. W. Hungerford
(3rd edition).
- Instructor: Dr. Mark van Hoeij, Love building 212, email:
- Office hours: TR: 10:30-11:30.
- Course description and objectives: This is the
continuation of MAS4302. The focus of the course will be the further
study of groups, rings, and fields, culminating in Chapter 12, Galois theory.
To cover Galois theory, we need Field theory (Chapter 11, which in turn uses
Chapter 10) and Group theory (Chapters 7, 8, 9).
These two topics are independent from one another (Chapters 10,11 do not depend on Chapters 7,8,9 and
vice versa). But Chapters 10,11 are less abstract than Group theory, so we will cover those first.
After that, we will cover Group theory and then Chapter 12.
- Prerequisite: MAS4302 with a grade of C- or better.
- Grading/Exams: We will have three midterms and a final exam.
The final exam is scheduled for Friday May 5, 10:00 - 12:00 noon.
(click here
for the schedule of all finals).
Each of the midterm tests will count as 20% of the grade, and the final counts as 30%.
I will also assign homework daily and occasional quizzes. The homework and quiz grade
counts as 10%. If you turn in most of the homework and have no absences on the quizzes
then the homework and quiz grade can also be used to replace your lowest grade on the midterm tests.
- Honor code: A copy of the University Academic Honor Code
can be found in the current Student Handbook. You are bound by this in
all of your academic work. It is based on the premise that each
student has the responsibility 1) to uphold the highest standards of
academic integrity in the student's own work, 2) to refuse to tolerate
violations of academic integrity in the University community, and 3)
to foster a high sense of integrity and social responsibility on the
part of the University community. You have successfully completed many
mathematics courses and know that on a ``test'' you may not give or
receive any help from a person or written material except as
specifically designed acceptable. Out of class you are encouraged to
work together on assignments but plagiarizing of the work of others or
study manuals is academically dishonest.
- ADA statement: Students with disabilities needing academic
accommodations should: 1) register with and provide documentation to
the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC); 2) bring a letter to
the instructor from SDRC indicating you need academic
accommodations. This should be done within the first week of class.
This and other class materials are available in alternative format
upon request.