Algebraic Number Theory, MAS5331, Spring 2005.

Location: 106 LOV

Time: MWF 11:15-12:05

Instructor: Dr. Mark van Hoeij

Text: I will hand out the material in class. Most of it will come from the following web pages: and

Grading: There will be three tests during the semester, and one final test. Each of these four tests will account for 20% of the final grade. The remaining 20% of the grade will be determined by homework.

Exam policy: There will be no makeup tests or quizzes. A missed test can only be excused before the day of the test, and you will need a good reason with proof. When a missed test is excused, the grade of the test will be the same as the grade on your final. A missed test will not be excused on or after the day of the test, and a non-excused missed test means zero points.

Course objectives: Rings of integers of number fields. Unique factorization of ideals in Dedekind domains. The group of units of the ring of integers. The class group. Valuations. Local fields.