Linear Algebra, MAS 3105-01, SPRING 2001, course syllabus.
Location: 107 LOV.
- Monday, Friday: 1:25 - 2:15
- Tuesday and Thursday: 2:00 - 3:15
Instructor: Dr. Mark VanHoeij
- e-mail:
- URL:
- Office: 105B LOV, telephone: 644-3879.
- Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. 10:00 - 11:00. Feel free to stop by
during other hours as well; to find out if I'm in my office just call.
TEXT: Linear Algebra with Applications, by Charles G. Cullen (2nd Ed.)
COURSE CONTENT: : Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and part of chapter 5.
Understanding the theory of vector spaces and linear transformations (matrices).
Equally important is the ability to do calculations with vector spaces and
matrices (solving linear equations, inverting linear maps, computing the
determinant and the rank of a matrix, determining linear
dependence, computing a basis of a vector space, finding eigenvectors, etc.).
NO CLASS ON: Friday January 12 (I'm out of town). Monday January 15 (MLK day).
Monday March 12 through Friday March 16 (Spring Break). Thursday March 29 and Friday
March 30 (I'm out of town). Note that this is a 4-hour course, and 5 hours are
reserved for it (2 times 1 hour plus 2 times 1.5 hours). So there will be more
than enough time to make up for the two times I'm out of town.
Test #1: Tuesday, January 30. Note: this is 3 days before the
last day you
can drop a course.
Test #2: Tuesday, February 20. Moved to Thursday, February 22.
Test #3: Tuesday, March 20.
Test #4: Tuesday, April 10.
Final test: Friday, April 27, 10:00 am - 12:00 noon. (see the left column in page 22 of
spring 2001 directory of classes).
EXAM POLICY. There will be no makeup tests or quizzes.
A missed test can only be excused before the day of the test, and you
will need a good reason with proof.
When a missed test is excused, the grade of the test will be the same as the
grade on your final.
A missed test will not be excused on or after the day of the test, and a non-excused
missed test means zero points.
MATH HELP CENTER. The Math Help Center is located in 110 MCH (Milton Carothers
Hall) next door to the Love Building. The hours of operation will be announced
when they are available.
HONOR CODE. Read the honor code in the student handbook. I compare tests of
students who are sitting next to each other, so do not look at answers from
the person sitting next to you, nor let that person look at your answers.
AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT. Students with disabilities needing academic
accommodations should: 1) register with and provide documentation to the Student
Disability Resource Center (SDRC); 2) bring a letter to the instructor from SDRC
indicating you need academic accommodations. This should be done within the first
week of class.