See1 := false; # Set to true if you want to see the 4 animations with the moving branchpoints. See2 := false; # Set to true of you want to see the paths from x = basePoint around each singularity. ComputeMonodromy := true; # Set to true if you want to compute the four monodromy matrices. L := Dx^4+4*(160*x^3+768*x^2+1170*x+729)/(4*x+9)/(16*x^2+56*x+81)/x*Dx^3+2*(12544*x^5+93120*x^4+271344*x^3 +395604*x^2+262440*x+59049)/x^2/(4*x+9)/(16*x^2+56*x+81)^2*Dx^2+72*(192*x^4+1280*x^3+2940*x^2+3282*x +1215)/x^2/(4*x+9)/(16*x^2+56*x+81)^2*Dx+72*(8*x^3+50*x^2+80*x+93)/x^2/(4*x+9)/(16*x^2+56*x+81)^2; L := primpart(L,Dx): # L is the Picard-Fuchs operator for f = 1/sqrt(Onder) where: Onder := subs( u = 1/2, v*(1-v)*(x*v*(-u*v+1)^2+(1-v)*(-u^2*v+1)*(u*v+1)^2) ); # The true singularities of L are S1, S2, S3, infinity, where S1, S2, S3 are the roots of discrim(Onder, v). S1 := evalf( -7/4 + sqrt(-2) ); S2 := 0; S3 := evalf( -7/4 - sqrt(-2) ); # For any x not in {S1, S2, S3, infinity}, the polynomial Onder has exactly 6 roots. # We pick a basePoint x = 1 where the roots of Onder are: # # r1 := -3-sqrt(17) ; # r2 := (3-sqrt(17))/2 ; # r3 := 0 ; # r4 := 1 ; # r5 := -3+sqrt(17) ; # r6 := (3+sqrt(17))/2 ; # # Then we loop, starting from x, around S1, S2, S3, and S4. First some code: basePoint := 1; # Start at point p1. Then travel to p2 + 0.5*I in a straight line. # Then travel to p2 - 0.5*I in a half-circle, on the left of p2. # Then travel to p1 in a straight line. Path_around_singularity := proc(p1, p2, t) local s,c; if type(t,name) then 'procname'(args) elif t < 1/3 then s := t * 3; s * (p2 + 0.5*I) + (1-s) * p1 elif t < 2/3 then s := t * 3 - 1; p2 + 0.5 * I * exp(Pi*I*s) else s := t * 3 - 2; s * p1 + (1-s) * (p2 - 0.5*I) fi end: SlowMiddle := proc(t) # Makes the animation smoother in the middle: if t < 1/4 then 3/2 * t # Up to 3/8 elif t < 3/4 then 3/8 + (t-1/4)/2 # Up to 5/8 else 5/8 + 3/2 * (t-3/4) # Up to 1 fi end: Path_around_infinity := proc(t) if type(t,name) then 'procname'(args) else 1/( 1/3 + 2/3 * exp(2*Pi*I*SlowMiddle(t)) ) fi end: x_loop_1 := Path_around_singularity(basePoint, S1, t); x_loop_2 := Path_around_singularity(basePoint, S2, t); x_loop_3 := Path_around_singularity(basePoint, S3, t); x_loop_4 := Path_around_infinity(t); with(plots): if See1 = true then hela := proc(x0) local i; global v,x,Onder; if indets(x0,name)<>{} then 'procname'(x0) else [seq([Re(i), Im(i)], i = fsolve(eval(Onder,x=x0), complex))] fi end: animate(pointplot, [hela(x_loop_1)], t=0..1); animate(pointplot, [hela(x_loop_2)], t=0..1); animate(pointplot, [hela(x_loop_3)], t=0..1); animate(pointplot, [hela(x_loop_4)], t=0..1); fi; if See2 = true then hola := proc(x0) local i; global v,x,Onder, S1, S2, S3, basePoint; if indets(x0,name)<>{} then 'procname'(x0) else [seq([Re(i), Im(i)], i = [x0, S1, S2, S3, basePoint])] fi end: animate(pointplot, [hola(x_loop_1)], t=0..1); animate(pointplot, [hola(x_loop_2)], t=0..1); animate(pointplot, [hola(x_loop_3)], t=0..1); animate(pointplot, [hola(x_loop_4)], t=0..1); fi; if ComputeMonodromy = true then Nsteps := 80; Nterms := 80; Digits := 60; # Want to compute evalf(Int(1/sqrt(Onder), v=r1..r2)) but the numerical # integrator sometimes chokes on the denominator vanishing at r1 and r2. # So use a change-of-variables at the first and last 1/4 of the interval: # int_r1_r2 := proc(Onder, v, r1, r2) local I1,I2,I3,u; I1 := Int(2/sqrt(subs(v=u^2, quo(subs(v=v+r1,Onder),v,v) )), u=0..sqrt(r2-r1)/2); I2 := Int(1/sqrt(Onder), v = 3/4 * r1 + 1/4 * r2 .. 1/4 * r1 + 3/4 * r2); I3 := Int(2/sqrt(subs(v=-u^2, quo(subs(v=v+r2,-Onder),v,v) )), u=0..sqrt(r2-r1)/2); evalf(I1, 50) + evalf(I2,50) + evalf(I3,50) end; SolAtPoint := proc(L,x,Dx,T, xv, Init) local c,L0,A,isz,i; global Nterms; L0 := collect(subs(x = T + xv, L), Dx, expand); A := Init + add(c[i]*T^i, i=4..Nterms); isz := collect(add( coeff(L0,Dx,i)*diff(A,[T$i]), i=0..4 ), x); for i from 4 to Nterms do c[i] := solve(evalf(eval(coeff(isz,T,i-4))),c[i]) od; eval(A) end: # Formal solutions at basepoint of the form T^i + O(T^4), i = 0..3 FS := [seq(SolAtPoint(L,x,Dx,T, 1, T^i), i=0..3)]; for i from 1 to 4 do xv := 1.0 + (i-2.5)*0.1 ; Onder := evalf(subs( u = 1/2, x=xv, v*(1-v)*(x*v*(-u*v+1)^2+(1-v)*(-u^2*v+1)*(u*v+1)^2) )); r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6 := op(sort([fsolve(Onder)])); y1 := 2 * int_r1_r2(Onder, v, r1, r2); y2 := 2*I * int_r1_r2(-Onder, v, r2, r3); y3 := -2 * int_r1_r2(Onder, v, r3, r4); y4 := 2/I * int_r1_r2(-Onder, v, r4, r5); y5 := 2 * int_r1_r2(Onder, v, r5, r6); lprint(abs(y1 + y3 + y5)); # 0 up to working precision V[i] := [y1, y2, y4, y5]; W[i] := subs(T = xv-1, FS); od: M := Matrix(4,4,[seq(W[i],i=1..4)])^(-1) . Matrix(4,4,[seq(V[i],i=1..4)]); # Now [y1 y2 y4 y5] = FS . M and FS = [y1 y2 y4 y5] . M^(-1) # Say that a loop sends FS to FS_loop = FS . A for some matrix A. # Then [y1 y2 y4 y5] = FS . M goes to FS_loop . M # = FS . A . M = [y1 y2 y4 y5] . M^(-1) . A . M # so then the monodromy for basis y1 y2 y4 y5 is M^(-1) . A . M SolAtNextPoint := proc(L,x,Dx,T, xv, Delta_x, sol) local i; SolAtPoint(L,x,Dx,T, xv+Delta_x, add(eval(diff(sol,[T$i]), T=Delta_x) * T^i / i!, i=0..3)) end: SolAfterLoop := proc(L,x,Dx,T, path, t, sol) local S, i, old, new, Delta_x; global Nsteps; S := sol; for i from 1 to Nsteps do old := evalf(eval(path, t=(i-1)/Nsteps)); new := evalf(eval(path, t=i/Nsteps)); Delta_x := new-old; S := SolAtNextPoint(L,x,Dx,T, old, Delta_x, S); od; S end: for k from 1 to 4 do FS_loop := [seq(SolAfterLoop(L,x,Dx,T, x_loop_||k, t, i), i = FS)]: A := Matrix(4,4,[seq([seq(coeff(i,T,j), i=FS_loop)],j=0..3)]); Mon := M^(-1) . A^(-1) . M; # See comment 1 below. E||k := map(round, 10^10 * Mon)/10^10; print("Matrix", E||k, "precision is:", evalf(max(map(abs,map(op,convert(Mon - E||k,listlist)))),4)); od: fi: # Comment 1: # # In the line Mon := ... we take A^(-1) instead of A, in order to ensure that # the monodromy representation rho: pi_1 --> Gl4(C) # is a homomorphism (instead of an anti-homomorphism). # Suppose that A.1 is the matrix for loop.1, and A.2 is the matrix for loop.2. # The notation "loop.1 * loop.2" usually denotes "First loop.1 and then loop.2" # but the matrix A for that path will be A.2 * A.1 # So if didn't invert A, then rho( loop_k ) = E||k = conjugate of A.k # will produce an anti-homomorphism. However, one expects rho to be a homomomorphism # which we can accomplish by inverting A, as is done for example in equation (1.5) # in