# Same as in the previous file: L_plus_x := Dx^2 + ( 1/x - 1/(x + (t+1)*(t-1)^3) + 2*(x+t^4+2*t^2-1)/(x^2 + (2*t^4+4*t^2-2)*x + (t^2-1)^4) )*Dx + ( 4*x^2 + (8*t^4-16*t^3-4*t^2+20*t-9)*x+(4*t^4-8*t^3+12*t^2+4*t-5)*(t+1)*(t-1)^3 ) / ( 16 * x * (x^2+(2*t^4+4*t^2-2)*x+(t^2-1)^4) * (x+(t+1)*(t-1)^3) ) ; L_minus_x := subs(t = -t, L_plus_x); with(DEtools): _Envdiffopdomain := [Dx,x]; chvar := proc(L, y, Dy, sb1,sb2) local i, f, x, Dx, s; Dx, x := op(_Envdiffopdomain); f := add( subs(sb1,sb2,coeff(L, Dy, i)) * mult( Dx/diff(subs(sb1,sb2,y),x) $ i), i = 0 .. degree(L, Dy)); s := proc(a) factor(simplify(normal(a,expanded),symbolic)) end: sort(collect(f/lcoeff(f, Dx), Dx, s), Dx); end: m := 1/(64*x) - (t+1)*(t-1)^3; Lm := chvar(L_plus_x, x,Dx, x = m, {}); gfun[diffeqtorec](diffop2de(symmetric_product(Lm,Dx+1/2/x),y(x)),y(x),u(n)); subs(n=n-2,%): collect(%,indets(%,function),factor); # Typed from paper: (n+1)^2 * u(n+1) -2^2 * (16 * (t^4 - 6*t^3 - 4*t^2 + 6*t - 1)*(n^2+n) + 4*t^4 - 24*t^3 - 12*t^2 + 20*t - 3)*u(n) -2^11 * t * (t-1)^3 * (t+1) * ( 8*(t^2 + 2*t - 1)*n^2 - 2*t^2 - 6*t + 3) * u(n-1) +2^18 * t^2 * (t-1)^6 * (t+1)^2 * (2*n+1) * (2*n-3)*u(n-2); # Check that the computed recurrence and the one in the paper are the same: ShouldBeZero := normal(%% - %); # Typed from paper: Sol_L2 := (Rminus^(1/8) + Rplus^(1/8)) / (2 * sqrt(S)); RSA := Rplus = 1/Rminus, Rminus = A - sqrt(A^2-1), S = (1-16*(t+1)*(t-1)^3 * x) * (1 + 2^6 * (t^3+t^2-t) * x - 2^10*(t^3+t^2)*(t-1)^3 * x^2), A = 1 + 2^7*(2*t-1)^2 * x - 2^11*(t-1)^3*(2*t-1)*(2*t^2+5*t-1) * x^2 + 2^17 * t*(t-1)^6*(2*t^2 + 2*t - 1) * x^3 - 2^21 * (t^3+t^2)*(t-1)^9 * x^4; sort(collect(convert(eval(series(subs(RSA,Sol_L2),x=0,6), csgn = proc() 1 end),polynom),x,factor),x,ascending); sort(collect(convert(formal_sol(symmetric_product(Lm,Dx+1/2/x),T,x=0)[1,2],polynom),T,factor),T,ascending); ShouldBeZero := seq(normal(coeff(%,T,i) - binomial(2*i,i) * coeff(%%,x,i)),i=0..5); Relation_Zx := ( ((4*S*Z^2 - 2)^2 - 2)^2 - 2 - 2*A ) / (1-16*(t+1)*(t-1)^3 * x); LongForm_Zx := normal(subs(RSA, %)): # From computation, and compared with paper: param := zeta = 1/16/t*(t^2-v^2)/(t*v^4+(t+1)*(t-1)^2*(t^2-2*v^2-t)), Zsquare = 1/2/t*(t*v^4+(t+1)*(t-1)^2*(t^2-2*v^2-t))^2*(t-1+v)^2*(v-t)/v^2/(t^2+t*v-1)/(v^4-2*t^2*v^2+(t^2-1)^2)^2; # Verify parametrization for some random parameter-values: subs( t = 99, v = 76, subs(param, subs(Z = sqrt(Zsquare), x=zeta, LongForm_Zx))); IntegrandSquare := factor( subs(param, Zsquare/(zeta * (4*x-zeta))) * diff(subs(param,zeta),v)^2 ); TypedFromPaper := (-2) * (v+t-1)^2 / ( (v+t)*(v+t-t^(-1))*(v^2-t^2 + 64*t*x*( t*v^4 + (t+1)*(t-1)^2*(t^2-2*v^2-t))) ); # Check that the computed IntegrandSquare is the same as the one from the paper: ShouldBeZero := normal(%% - %); ############### Transformations between this Integrand and the one in Theorem 1 ############## m := 1/(64*x) - (t+1)*(t-1)^3; m_inv := subs(X=x,solve(m=X,x)); IntegrandSquare := factor(subs(x = m_inv, IntegrandSquare)); # After rescaling x and a Mobius transformation w.r.t. we get IS := subs(x = -x/(4*u^2), u = 1/(1-2*t^2), IntegrandSquare); # Transformation in equation (23), start of Section 3. mv := 2*v*t/(2*t^2+v-1)-t; TransformedIntegrandSquare := factor(subs(v = mv, IS) * diff(mv,v)^2); # Square of integrand in Theorem 1 is: Boven := 1 - u*v + v * 2 * t * u; # From Theorem 1, replaced (2*u^2 - 2*u)^(1/2) = 2*t*u Onder := v * (1-v) * ( (1-v)*(1-u^2*v)*(1+u*v)^2 + x*v*(1-u*v)^2 ); IntegrandSquareTheorem1 := factor(subs(u = 1/(1-2*t^2), Boven^2/Onder)); Ratio := factor(IntegrandSquareTheorem1 / TransformedIntegrandSquare); indets(%); # This Ratio is independent of v, and can thus be moved to the algebraic # prefactor in front of the integral.