DEy := (y - 1)^2*(8*y^2*z + y^2 + 8*z^2 - 6*z - 2)*(16*y^2*z - 16*z^2 - 8*z - 1)*(y + 1)^2*y*diff(F(y), y,y,y,y) + (y^2 - 1)*(1536*y^6*z^2 + 192*y^6*z + 896*y^4*z^3 - 2160*y^4*z^2 - 1152*y^2*z^4 - 592*y^4*z - 608*y^2*z^3 - 7*y^4 + 792*y^2*z^2 - 128*z^4 + 278*y^2*z + 32*z^3 + 15*y^2 + 72*z^2 + 22*z + 2)*diff(F(y), y,y,y) + 2*(2368*y^6*z^2 + 296*y^6*z + 2816*y^4*z^3 - 3960*y^4*z^2 - 1216*y^2*z^4 - 1020*y^4*z - 2544*y^2*z^3 - 5*y^4 + 1920*y^2*z^2 + 192*z^4 + 682*y^2*z - 16*z^3 + 15*y^2 - 136*z^2 - 38*z - 2)*y*diff(F(y), y,y) + (3712*y^6*z^2 + 464*y^6*z + 7040*y^4*z^3 - 4320*y^4*z^2 - 1024*y^2*z^4 - 1440*y^4*z - 2688*y^2*z^3 - 2*y^4 + 1056*y^2*z^2 - 384*z^4 + 436*y^2*z + 32*z^3 + 6*y^2 + 272*z^2 + 76*z + 4)*diff(F(y), y) + 48*z*(8*y^2*z + y^2 + 24*z^2 - 6*z - 3)*y^3*F(y); # Typed from paper to verify paper: L := 2*(1-y^2)*(2*y^2-4*z-1)^2*((1+4*z)^2-16*z*y^2)*Dy^2 + 4*y*(2*y^2-4*z-1)*(32*z*y^4-(1+4*z)*((1+28*z)*y^2-4*z*(3+4*z)))*Dy + 16*(2*y^2-14*z-3)*z*y^4+(1+4*z)*(1+32*z+80*z^2)*y^2-(1+4*z)^2*(1+4*z+8*z^2) + (2*(1+8*z)*y^2-4*(1+4*z)*(1-z))*y*SQ: sq := sqrt(2*(1-4*z)*((1+4*z)^2-16*z*y^2)); L_y_plus := subs(SQ = sq, L); L_y_minus := subs(SQ = -sq, L); # Verify L_y_plus and L_y_minus: with(DEtools): _Envdiffopdomain := [Dy, y]: L4 := symmetric_product(L_y_plus, L_y_minus); # Check that this is the same as DEy: ShouldBeZero := rem(L4, de2diffop(DEy, F(y)), Dy); chvar := proc(L, y, Dy, sb1,sb2) local i, f, x, Dx, s; Dx, x := op(_Envdiffopdomain); f := add( subs(sb1,sb2,coeff(L, Dy, i)) * mult( Dx/diff(subs(sb1,sb2,y),x) $ i), i = 0 .. degree(L, Dy)); s := proc(a) factor(simplify(normal(a,expanded),symbolic)) end: sort(collect(f/lcoeff(f, Dx), Dx, s), Dx); end: from_yz_to_xt := y = (x + (t^2-1)^2) * sqrt(z/x), z = 1/(4*(1-2*t^2)); from_xt_to_yz := convert( solve({from_yz_to_xt}, {x,t}), radical); Divide_by := ( x * (x + (t-1)*(t+1)^3) / (x + (t+1)*(t-1)^3) )^(1/4); # Compared it with the paper, and it looks identical: L_plus_x := Dx^2 + ( 1/x - 1/(x + (t+1)*(t-1)^3) + 2*(x+t^4+2*t^2-1)/(x^2 + (2*t^4+4*t^2-2)*x + (t^2-1)^4) )*Dx + ( 4*x^2 + (8*t^4-16*t^3-4*t^2+20*t-9)*x+(4*t^4-8*t^3+12*t^2+4*t-5)*(t+1)*(t-1)^3 ) / ( 16 * x * (x^2+(2*t^4+4*t^2-2)*x+(t^2-1)^4) * (x+(t+1)*(t-1)^3) ) ; L_minus_x := subs(t = -t, L_plus_x); # Verify that the change of variables and division sends L_y_plus to L_plus_x: _Envdiffopdomain := [Dx,x]; L := chvar(L_y_plus, y, Dy, from_yz_to_xt): L1 := Dx + evala( diff(Divide_by, x)/Divide_by ): ShouldBeZero := normal( symmetric_product(L, L1) - L_plus_x); L_1_x := Dx - 1/(2*x); symmetric_product(L_1_x, symmetric_product(L_plus_x, L_minus_x)): # Check that this matches DEy as claimed in Section 2.2: chvar(de2diffop(DEy, F(y), [Dy,y]), y, Dy, from_yz_to_xt): ShouldBeZero := normal(%% - %);