H := binomial(3*n,3*k)^2*binomial(3*n,3*k+1); R1 := simplify(convert(subs(k = k+1, H)/H, GAMMA)); dn := (3*k+1)*(3*k-1)^3*k^3*(3*k-2)^2; in_Delta_k := collect(normal( subs(k=k+1, dn) * R1) - dn, k, factor); phi_subs := k = n-k-1; # The -1 is to simplify the ad-hoc reduction, shouldn't be # needed in a more systematic implementation. phi_H := subs(phi_subs, add(u[i]*k^i, i=0..8)) * simplify(convert(subs(phi_subs, H)/H,GAMMA)); Ansatz := add(c[i]*k^i, i=0..8); normal(phi_H - subs(k = k+1, Ansatz) * R1): factor(solve({coeffs(rem(numer(%), denom(%), k), k)}, {seq(c[i],i=0..8)})): subs(%, Ansatz): subs(k=k+1, %) * R1 - %: phi_H := collect(normal(phi_H - %), k, normal); degree(%,k); M := [seq(collect(coeff(phi_H, u[j]), k, normal), j=0..8)]; M := Matrix([seq([seq(coeff(v,k,j),j=0..8)], v=M)]); BasisNplus := [seq( (k^i + coeff(phi_H, u[i]))/2, i = 0..4)]; BasisNminus := [seq( (k^i - coeff(phi_H, u[i]))/2, i = 0..3)]; phi3 := add(u[i]*(k + 1/3)^i, i=0..8) * simplify( convert(subs(k=k+1/3, H)/H, GAMMA) ); Ansatz := add(c[i]*k^i, i=0..8); normal(phi3 - subs(k = k+1, Ansatz) * R1): factor(solve({coeffs(rem(numer(%), denom(%), k), k)}, {seq(c[i],i=0..8)})): subs(%, Ansatz): subs(k=k+1, %) * R1 - %: phi3 := collect(normal(phi3 - %), k, normal); degree(%,k); M3 := [seq(collect(coeff(phi3, u[j]), k, normal), j=0..8)]; M3 := Matrix([seq([seq(coeff(v,k,j),j=0..8)], v=M3)]); map(normal, M^2); map(normal, M3^3); # Here are bases of the 4 submodules: Npp := LinearAlgebra:-NullSpace( Matrix( [[ M3 - 1 ], [ M-1 ]]) ); Npm := LinearAlgebra:-NullSpace( Matrix( [[ M3 - 1 ], [ M+1 ]]) ); Nmp := LinearAlgebra:-NullSpace( Matrix( [[ M3^2+M3+1 ], [ M-1 ]]) ); Nmm := LinearAlgebra:-NullSpace( Matrix( [[ M3^2+M3+1 ], [ M+1 ]]) ); # The dimensions of these submodules match the orders of the operators Lpp, Lmp, Lpm, Lmm # computed in the other file: nops(Npp); nops(Nmp); nops(Npm); nops(Nmm); # We can also compute Lpp, Lmp, Lpm, Lmm by projecting H onto each of these 4 subspaces # and computing a telescoper for each projection, as in the binomial(n,k)^/(2*n+3*k) example.