The main paper is: Gonality of the modular curve X1(N) (to appear in J. Algebra). Most files in this folder are data accompanying this paper.

Preprint Low Degree Places on the Modular Curve X1(N) (not submitted) is about the file LowDegreePlaces in this folder.

We used LLL to search the Z-module of modular units mod constants. The file gonality lists (for N=4..300) a modular unit (and its degree) of the lowest degree that we could find. This degree is an upper bound for min(degree(non-constant modular units)), which in turn is an upper bound for the Q-gonality. The Magma files in the folder LowerBoundsGonality prove that this upper bound for the gonality is sharp for N <= 40. Thus, the file gonality gives the exact value of the Q-gonality of X1(N) for N <= 40, and gives upper bounds for N <= 300.

The file Subfields looks at all decompositions of the map X1(N) --> X1(1) to see if that helps to find a function of lower degree (none of the several methods we looked at produced a function of a degree that is lower than that found with the LLL method).

To LLL-search the modular units, we need a basis (see Section 2) and their divisors. These divisors are listed in the files cusp_divisors and cusp_divisors_large. To interpret these divisors (e.g. to compute the degree of the corresponding function), you also need the degree of each place, these are listed in cusp_degrees.

Instead of downloading a file with divisors, you can also download a program that computes these divisors, in the file cusp_divisors_program. Note that this program uses a different basis of modular units. The program uses the modular units F_k in Section 2 of the paper (for k>3, F_k is the modular equation in b,c coordinates) while the files cusp_divisors and cusp_divisors_large use the modular units f_k in Section 2.1 (for k>9, f_k is the modular equation in x,y coordinates) (the advantage of x,y coordinates is that they give smaller expressions than b,c coordinates).