Calculus with Analytic Geometry I, MAC-2311, section 5, fall 2000, course
Location: 215 HTL.
- Monday: 11:15 - 12:05
- Tuesday and Thursday: 11:00 - 12:15
Instructor: Dr. Mark VanHoeij
- e-mail:
- URL:
- Office: 105B LOV. Note: this is very near where the construction is going on.
When the noise gets too much (when they are drilling), talking in my office
could become impossible. In such situations you may find me in the Dirac library
instead of in my office, even during office hours. I apologize for the inconvenience.
- Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. 10 - 11. You can also visit my office
during other hours, but send me an e-mail first to make an appointment to make sure I'll
be in my office.
ELIGIBILITY. You must have the course prerequisites listed below and must never
have completed with a grade of C- or better a course for which MAC 2311 is a
(stated or implied) prerequisite. Students with prior credit in college calculus
are required to reduce the credit for MAC 2311 accordingly. It is the student's
responsibility to check and prove eligibility.
PREREQUISITES. You must have passed MAC1140 (College Algebra)
and MAC1113 (Trigonometry) (or MAC2140 and MAC1114 at TCC) with a
grade of C- or better or have appropriate transfer credit.
Placement in AMP Group 1 or 1H (or 2 if you are currently taking
trigonometry) is also considered to satisfy the prerequisite. AMP Group 3A
with prior college algebra or AMP Group 3B with prior college trigonometry
will also satisfy the prerequisite requirements.
TEXT. Calculus (Second Edition), by Hughes-Hallett, Gleason, McCallum, et al.
CALCULATORS. Students are required to have a programmable graphing calculator.
COURSE CONTENT. Chapters 1-6.
Test #1: Tuesday, September 19.
Test #2: Tuesday, October 17.
Test #3: Tuesday, November 14.
Final exam: Friday, December 15, 10:00-12:00 (see page 23 of
fall 2000 directory of classes).
The final will determine 40% of your grade. Each test will determine 15% of
your grade. The quizzes we do in class (often in groups, sometimes alone)
determine 5% of your grade. The remaining 10% will be determined by a project.
Last day to drop a course without receiving a grade:
September 22. Be careful: if you do not show up at the
tests and final, and you forgot to drop the course,
you could receive an F, so make sure to drop the course
if you decide you do not want to take this course.
No Classes on: September 4 (Labor day), and November 23
EXAM POLICY. There will be no makeup tests or quizzes.
A missed test can only be excused before the day of the test, and you
will need a good reason with proof.
When a missed test is excused, the grade of the test will be the same as the
grade on your final.
A missed test will not be excused on or after the day of the test, and a non-excused
missed test means zero points.
A missed quiz can be excused if it happens no more than two times.
MATH HELP CENTER. The Math Help Center is located in 110 MCH (Milton Carothers
Hall) next door to the Love Building. The hours of operation will be announced
when they are available.
HONOR CODE. The Academic Honor System of The Florida State University is based on
the premise that each student has the responsibility 1) to uphold the highest
standards of academic integrity in the student's own work, 2) to refuse to tolerate
violations of academic integrity in the University community, and 3) to foster a
high sense of integrity and social responsibility on the part of the University
community. Please note that violations of this Academic Honor System will not be
tolerated in this class. Specifically, incidents of plagiarism of any type or
referring to any unauthorized material during examinations will be rigorously
pursued by this instructor. Before submitting any work for this class, please read
the ``Academic Honor System" in its entirety (as found in the \underbar{FSU General
Bulletin} and in the \underbar{FSU Student Handbook} and ask the instructor to
clarify any of its expectations that you do no understand.
AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT. Students with disabilities needing academic
accommodations should: 1) register with and provide documentation to the Student
Disability Resource Center (SDRC); 2) bring a letter to the instructor from SDRC
indicating you need academic accommodations. This should be done within the first
week of class.