- overview.html Overview page.
- 2F1_Heun_Sorted_by_Degree This is the main file. It contains most of the
information about Belyi maps named A1-J28 and S1-S51, which appear sorted with respect to: first (k,l,m), then degree, and then branching fractions.
- BelyiMaps The main file contain lots of information about the Belyi maps A1-J28 and S1-S51 but not the actual maps
themselves, those are in this file.
- Dessins_and_ModuliFields The main file also doesn't list the dessins, those are listed here in permutation form.
- These files give information about the values of j, t, r:
- The combination of these files produces all BelyiMaps A1-J28.
- ComputeBelyi.mpl Computes Belyi maps of a given minus-4 branching pattern
- ComputeAll Computes minus-4 branching patterns and then calls ComputeBelyi.mpl
- WriteHeun This file produces Heun equations with 2F1 type solutions from the Belyi maps (also download the file:
- MainRoutines.tgz Contains code for computing dessins, simplifying Belyi maps, and a (now obsolete) probabilistic
method for finding A1-J28.
- Decomposition_or_GaloisGroup Data that is also in the main file with some added explanation.
- Obstructions Data that is also in the main file.