FSU Topology Week and FSU-UF Meeting 2013
Organizers: Eriko Hironaka, Washington Mio, and Kate Petersen
Dates: February 17-23, 2013
Location: Department of Mathematics, Florida State University,
1017 Academic Way
(Poster for FSU-UF Meeting)
Some slides of the talks:
Two-dimensional topological fluid dynamics
by Philip Boyland
Lusternik-Schnirelmann category
by Alexander Dranishnikov
Essential manifolds and macroscopic dimension
by Alexander Dranishnikov
UV^k Mappings
by John Bryant
The Cheeger-Mueller theorem and generalizations
by Luiz Hartmann
Discrete Morse Theory and Persistent Homology
by Kevin Knudson
Some invariants on coincidences of fiberwise maps
by Alice Kimie Miwa Libardi
Equivariant subsets of Peano continua under p-adic actions
by James Maissen
Results on local Nash equilibrium
by Thais Fernanda Mendes Monis
Bourgin-Yan Theorem for G-equivariant Maps
by Edivaldo Lopes dos Santos
Topological Methods in Physcial Virology
by De Witt Sumners
Pseudo-Anosov flows in graph manifolds with periodic pieces
by Russ Waller