Theorem51 := proc(L, x, tau) local i, c, dA, b, r, g; if degree(L,tau) <> 3 then error "expecting an operator of order 3" fi; for i from 0 to 2 do c[i] := normal( coeff(L,tau,i)/coeff(L,tau,3) ) od: if c[1] = 0 and c[2] = 0 then return "Case 3(a)" elif c[1] = 0 or c[2] = 0 then return false # (I in Theorem 5.1(1) is not zero) elif normal(c[0] - subs(x=x-1, c[1]) * c[2]) = 0 then return "Case 3(b)" fi; dA := 1 - subs(x=x-1,c[1]) * c[2]/c[0]; b := normal( (1 - subs(x=x-1,c[2]) * c[2]/c[1])/dA ); b := normal(b); r := normal( subs(x=x-2, c[2])/ (subs(x=x-1, b)-1) ); g := normal( ( 1-c[1]/c[0] * subs(x=x-1, c[1]/c[2]) )/dA ); if normal(subs(x=x+1, b) - g) <> 0 then return false fi; [b, r] end; # The extended Euclidean Algorithm for D = C(x)[tau] # GCDEX := proc(a, b) local r1, q1, s, t; if b = 0 then 1/content(a, _Env_LRE_tau), 0 else q1, r1 := LREtools[RightDivision](a, b); t, s := procname(b, r1); s, collect(t-s*q1, _Env_LRE_tau, normal) fi end: # Compute the m'th SYMMetric power of L1: symmpower := proc(L1, m) global x,tau ; local c, n1, sb1, i, P, var, j, IsZero, EQN, s, NumberFree, k, N; n1 := degree(L1, tau); sb1 := u(x + n1) = -add(coeff(L1, tau, i)*u(x + i)/lcoeff(L1, tau), i = 0 .. n1 - 1); P[0] := u(x)^m; N := binomial(m + n1 - 1, n1 - 1); for i to N do P[i] := subs(sb1, subs(sb1, subs(x = x + 1, P[i - 1]))) od; var := {seq(u(x + i), i = 0 .. n1 - 1), seq(u(x + j), j = 0 .. n1 - 1)}; IsZero := collect(add(c[i]*P[i], i = 0 .. N), var, distributed); EQN := {coeffs(IsZero, var)}; var := {seq(c[i], i = 0 .. N)}; s := solve(EQN, var); NumberFree := add(`if`(lhs(i) = rhs(i), 1, 0), i = s); if 1 < NumberFree then s := solve(s union {seq(c[k] = 0, k = N + 2 - NumberFree .. N)}, var) fi; sort(collect(primpart(subs(s, add(c[i]*tau^i, i = 0 .. N)), tau), tau, factor), tau) end: ReduceOrder := proc(L3) local x,tau, L6, L1, ux, i, G2, G, S, vars, rel, rel1, rel2, C, pt, LG, rel3, X, a, b,i1,i2,new_ANS,ANS, bvals; tau := _Env_LRE_tau; x := _Env_LRE_x; # Step 1 L6 := symmpower(L3,2); # Step 2 if degree(L6,tau) < 6 then i := Theorem51(L3, x, tau); if not type(i,list) then return i fi; return 1, 1, tau^2+tau+i[1], i[2] fi; # Step 3 L1 := LREtools[RightFactors](L6, 1); if nops(L1)<>1 then "not 2-solvable (Assuming absolute irreducibility was checked)" fi; L1 := L1[1]; # Step 4 ux[3] := solve(LREtools[OperatorToRecurrence](L3, u(x)), u(x + 3)); ux[0] := u(x); for i to 5 do ux[i] := normal(subs(x = x + 1, u(x + 3) = ux[3], ux[i - 1])); end do; # Step 5 G2 := add(a[i]*ux[i]^2, i = 0 .. 5); G := add(b[i]*ux[i], i = 0 .. 2); # Step 6 S := {coeffs(collect(G2 - G^2, {seq(ux[i], i = 0 .. 2)}, distributed), {seq(ux[i], i = 0 .. 2)})}; G2 := add(a[i]*tau^i, i = 0 .. 5); vars := indets(G2) minus {tau}; # Step 7 and 8 LREtools[RightDivision](subs(solve(S, vars), G2), L1)[2]; rel := collect(%, {b[0], b[1], b[2]}); rel1 := b[0] = X[1] - 1/2*coeff(rel, b[0], 1); rel:= collect(subs(rel1, rel), {X[1], b[1], b[2]},Normalizer); if degree(rel,b[1]) = 2 then bvals := NULL; rel2 := b[1] = X[2] - 1/2*coeff(rel, b[1], 1)/coeff(rel, b[1], 2); rel3:= b[2] = X[3]; # Step 9 C := collect(primpart(subs(rel2,rel3, rel), {X[1], X[2], X[3]}), {X[1], X[2], X[3]}); # Step 10, Running the code in Code.txt pt := Conic(expand(coeff(C, X[1], 2)), expand(coeff(C, X[2], 2)), expand(coeff(C, X[3], 2))); if pt = FAIL then return FAIL fi; for i1 in [1,-1] do for i2 in [1,-1] do bvals := bvals, solve({pt[1]*i1 - X[1], pt[2]*i2 - X[2], pt[3] - X[3], rel1, rel2, rel3}, {X[1], X[2], X[3], b[0], b[1], b[2]}); od od; else bvals := solve({rel1, X[1], b[1]-1, b[2]}, {X[1], b[0], b[1], b[2]}); fi; for S in [bvals] do # Step 11 G := subs(S, add(b[i]*tau^i, i = 0 .. 2)); # Step 12 LG := LREtools[RightDivision](LREtools[LCLM](L3, G), G)[1]; LG := collect(LG/lcoeff(LG, tau), tau, factor); i := Theorem51(LG, x, tau); if type(i, list) then new_ANS := G, GCDEX(G,L3)[1], tau^2+tau+i[1], i[2] else new_ANS := i fi; if not assigned(ANS) or length([ANS]) > length([new_ANS]) then ANS := new_ANS fi; od; ANS end;