Reduce_Order_Algorithm.txt: The main file. It contains implementations for Theorem 5.1 and ReduceOrder. For ReduceOrder to work, one must also load "Conic.txt". Maple worksheet to demonstrate ReduceOrder. The computation needs to load the files Reduce_Order_Algorithm.txt, Conic.txt, and Hom.txt Make sure to download these files and to edit the pathname in the worksheet so that Maple can find these files. Reduce_Order_Algorithm.pdf: pdf version of the Maple file (only needed if you do not have Maple) Hom.txt: Implementation by Yongjae Cha for "Hom" which computes the following: Given L1, L2 in D, compute a basis of operators G in C(x)[tau] for which G(V(L1)) is contained in V(L2), where V(L) = solution space of L. Here tau denotes the shift operator that sends f(x) to f(x+1). For more (Yongjae's slides/abstract/implementation) see: Conic.txt: Solve a quadratic equation of the form a*X^2 + b*Y^2 + c*Z^2 = 0 where a,b,c are rational functions over Q. For more see: Absolute_Factorization.txt Contains the algorithms from sections 3.1 and 4. Maple worksheet to illustrate the algorithm. Absolute_Factorization.pdf pdf version of the worksheet Giles_Levy_implementation folder containing maple worksheets for Giles Levy's code, needed for the OEIS worksheets. ProjHom folder containing maple worksheets for projective homomorphism, needed for the OEIS worksheets. OEIS Maple worksheet for example 5.3.2. OEIS A178808.pdf pdf version of the worksheet OEIS Maple worksheet for example 5.3.3. OEIS A268138.pdf pdf version of the worksheet